Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting

Hyperledger Project - Technical Steering Committee (TSC) 03.23.17.mp4

March 23, 2017 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen

Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman

Murali Krishna Katipalli


Richard Brown


Sheehan Anderson

Tamas Blummer



Hackfest Planning

  • East Coast, week of April 24th (still finalizing venue)
  • Beijing (tentative thinking)
    • June 17-18 Hyperledger Hackathon
    • June 19-20 Hyperledger Track at LinuxCon China
    • June 19-20 Hyperledger Hackfest (concurrent)
  • If you have venue space, please contact Todd Benzies tbenzies@linuxfoundation.org

Internship Program

  • Please help promote -- apply here (deadline is this Friday, March 24th)

Requirements WG Charter (Oleg)

  • Final Draft
  • No objections
  • ACTION:  Todd to initiate an email vote (since quorum was not reached during this meeting)

Fabric Composer (Simon Stone)

  • Proposal
  • Walked through proposal last week -- gave quick overview this week.
  • Discussion [from 9:55 - 39:20]
  • Open question of changing name to “Composer” (dropping Fabric) to keep the door open for broader collaboration across platforms.
  • ACTION:  Todd to initiate an email vote (since quorum was not reached during this meeting)

Top-level project vs. sub-project discussion

  • Hart provided an overview of his suggested path forward (as detailed here)
  • A suggestion was made to not only list current dependencies, but also future intentions or applicability.
  • ACTION:  Chris Ferris and Vipin to draft proposed changes to HIP template, share to TSC mailing list, and review/vote in the March 30th TSC meeting.

Actions + On-going

  • Hackfest planning (East Coast, week of April 24th / Beijing, June)
  • Internship Program
  • Vote result:  Requirements WG Charter draft
  • Vote result:  Fabric Composer proposal
  • Top-level project vs. sub-project / Chris Ferris and Vipin to draft proposed changes to HIP template, share to TSC mailing list, and review/vote in the March 30th TSC meeting.
  • Q&A on GSL (Tamas Blummer)

  • No labels