The Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance eBook has been completed was launched at our meeting on November 2, 2023. You can find links to watch our launch event and read the ebook on the event page.

ProjectPersonDraft StatusNumeric BenefitMissing Information 


Rwanda Mining Association - there is a Hyperledger case study on Mine-to-manufacturer traceability system developed by Circulor

Profile is a focus on Circulor as an implementor of Hyperledger Fabric


Edited format version added.(Jeff)

None listed(ESG)

Has benefit of ESG. Reduced child labor usage to zero.

Confirmed for eBook


UAE Trade Connect

Ned Thompson, MBA 


$2.7 billion in invoices processed resulting in a  significant reduction in the instances of fraudulent and/or duplicate invoices presented.

Andrea to reach out to see if can clarify.

Tomaz: Date shared on the SCTF SIG presentation: 

Since the go-live, UAE Trade connect processed invoices valued at over AED 43 billion ($11.7 billion). The number of invoices processed by the platform continues to increase. It is currently processing about 30,000 invoices  per month, with an average value of AED 4.8 billion ($ 1.31 billion). Until June 2022, the platform UAE trade connect identified 20 inter-bank duplicates (with 7 out of 9 consortium banks finding the duplicates), worth AED 10 million ($ 2.7 million).


Trust Your Supplier


.PPT file modified text to wingdings when posted. File forwarded to Jeff via email. - Alicia 

(Jeff - has been corrected)

$6.1 million U.S. dollarsConfirmed for eBook



Updated format below:


Edited format version added. (Jeff)

Described as a not-for-profit

Tomaz can help get the numeric info.


Walmart Canada/DLT Labs


Edited format version added. (Jeff)

5% of annual freight costs.Confirmed for eBook

Farmer Connect


Edited format version added. Minor wording edit. (Jeff)

None ListedNo financial benefit information so not a candidate anymore.


Updated Format below:

A Blockchain for Mercosur, this use case connects the customs services of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

It is a cross-border paperless trade database(Reference 1) that identifies Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) to exchange their master data according to the guidelines of the Trader Identification Number of the World Customs Organization. The main stakeholders include traders, big enterprises and SMEs, and Customs.

Implementation went from January 2018 to November 2022. The lead agencies are The Special Department of Federal Revenue of Brazíl or RFB, Receita Federal do Brasil, AFIP, Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos from Argentina, DNA, Dirección Nacional de Aduanas from Uruguay, DNA, Dirección Nacional de Aduanas from Paraguay; and the Aduana Nacional from Bolivia.

Quoting from bConnect, A Blockchain for MERCOSUR (Reference 2), published by AFIP, October 2021, it is a permission blockchain implemented with Hyperledger Fabric, with five member countries, six peer nodes (chaincode executors and block validators), three orderer nodes (block producers), a chaincode written in Javascript (Typescript), chaincode endorsement policy: “at least two organizations”, gateway applications made by Argentina and Brazil.

Project website (if applicable):

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4: 

Reference 5:

Reference 6:

Note: I don't have data on Financial Gain, but the general statistics for Mercosur are (

US$ 152,138.3 M Total exports

US$ 120,720.3 M Total imports

Alfonso Govela 

Edited format version added. Minor wording edit. (Jeff)

None Listed

Tom and Jeff to determine if can find a contact and then ask the question.

No financial benefit information. 

There is a need for some clarity on the content of the last bullet point in the slide.



Edited format version added. (Jeff)

None listed(ESG)

Andrea will contact James to get something numeric.

No financials listed.

No mention of Hyperledger.




Edited format version added. (Jeff)

No direct financial data listed. Benefit of platform termed as "Verifications have shown 44-60% operational efficiency improvements."

Data from recent case study:

  • Increased efficiency by 47% in actual usage
  • Digitized 85% - 90% of standard trading documents
Confirmed for eBook


Edited format version added with wording edit. (Jeff)

Requires review to ensure content in "Project Description" is accurate.

Only ESG compliance  mentioned

Jeff will look at in more detail.

No mention of Hyperledger.

Benefits mentioned are ESG

11Edited format version added.

None listed

Andrea will contact to them to get more info.

No mention of Hyperledger.

No financial benefits listed.


Vertrax - oil and gas supply chain

Jeff PribichCompleted with final edit$350,000 to $700,000Confirmed for eBook


$750K to over One million Confirmed for eBook


Edited format version added and completed. (Ned)

$3-$10 per finished vehicle unit.

Confirmed for eBook

Other possibilities below

20TraceX - no response to multiple requests for additional info, so closing out.Tom Klein Closed


GoGas - natural gas traceability for pipeline companies

Marcos Sarres of GoGas to present to the Climate Action and Accounting SIG on July 11.

Marcos Sarres, please use the profile template at the bottom of this page and then upload the file here.

Marcos Sarres 

Gathering information about "Numeric Benefits"


Cross Border Ecommerce - Dubai Customs

Project Name:         Cross Border Ecommerce – Platform           

Company:                 Dubai Customs

Membership level: Permissioned Blockchain – Hyperledger Fabric

Person (s):                Ahmed AL Khuroosi, Nemanand Bobade, Juma Al Ghaith

CompanyURL:          Dubai Customs URL


Project Description:

Introducing the world's first innovative blockchain-driven digital E-commerce platform that seamlessly connects stakeholders in the E-commerce ecosystem. This comprehensive platform links Freezones, E-commerce, Logistics, and courier companies, delivering a world-class experience for all participants.

Through advanced automation capabilities, the platform streamlines the entire E-commerce processes. It automates declaration preparations, saving significant time for E-commerce and logistics companies. Automated declaration approval and integrated gate pass issuance provide end-to-end transaction visibility until goods are successfully delivered to customers. Platform also addresses the process of product returns in instances where customers wish to return goods or when goods are undelivered by the courier company.

Major Benefits:

  • Comprehensive digital hub connecting stakeholders in the E-commerce ecosystem.
  • Advanced automation streamlining the entire E-commerce process.
  • Automated declaration preparations saving time for E-commerce and logistics companies.
  • Automated declaration approval and integrated gate pass issuance for enhanced visibility.
  • Smart contracts and escrow services ensuring secure and automated payment processing.
  • Seamless customs clearance through integration with Dubai Customs' systems.
  • Data analytics and insights for informed decision-making.
  • Robust security measures safeguarding transactions and personal information.
  • Collaboration and partnerships with industry partners and logistics companies.

Platform is built on Hyperledger Fabric, where each participant possesses a distributed node and utilizes smart contract transactions to record information on the platform. This enhances transparency and ensures data integrity throughout all the stages of the supply chain from basic order to last mile delivery.

Reference 1: WCO News about Dubai Customs Platform

Reference 2: Media Coverage

Juma Al Ghaith, Ahmed Saeed ALKhuroosi, Nemanand Bobade



Tom Klein to look and make a determination
23Renault ExceedClosed. Unable to collect ROI($)


Farm to Plate

Does not yet have shareable results data. We can include them in our 'projects to watch' section. Saptarshi Choudhury has said they can come present to the SIG in September.

Alicia Noel Include in 'Projects to Watch' section.


Botanical Water Exchange (BWX) - Fujitsu Track & Trace 

Updated format below:

Include in Projects to Watch

Edited format version added(Jeff). 

No financial gain listed.


Tram Vo has written a blog for HF about their Web3 infrastructure (Citopia and the ITN) and their multiparty use cases (pilots) use Citopia and the ITN (uses Hyperledger Fabric). 

Include in Projects to Watch

27India Case StudyDead End


Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)

Deadended - they're using is for internal payments, internal transfers, hydrocarbon accounting.

Dead End


CapGemini Simplified Letter of Credit

Dead end

June 18 - Shailendra Bhatt responded, suggesting I contact Mahesh Koli. Mahesh left Cap Gemini in February. I've asked if the project is still live and who is now working on it who can share about customer experience.

June 15 - I've had no further response.

June 13 - Pradmunya Pendse of CapGemini responded to my LinkedIn query, asking for next steps. I've referred him to this page, and explained a profile would need to include information about actual results to be included. - Alicia

June 2 - I reached out to several Cap Gemini people over LinkedIn to request results info. André Soeiro Barbosa from their Portugal office responded to me but was unable to access any more info. - Alicia  

Dead End


L'Oreal - Jeff Pribich and Alicia Noel both tried to find more information to assess project qualifications but did not receive info from requests.

Dead End

31Dead End


retraced: sustainable sourcing in fashion industry:

Mark Rakhmilevich Pending


Bosch: Secure Document Exchange (SDEx) in trade finance:

Mark Rakhmilevich Pending


Certified Origins: Extra Virgin Italian Olive Oil (EVOO) traceability:

Mark Rakhmilevich Pending


Open Trade Blockchain (GeTS Singapore):

Mark Rakhmilevich Pending


Keep-Sea-Blue: recycled plastics traceability in supply chain (most recent user is Tesco in the UK):

Mark Rakhmilevich Pending

R(You'll need a Linux Foundation ID (LFID) to upload your profiles here. Here's how to get your LFID.)

Potential projects to highlight:

The PDF file below includes both profile templates and sample profiles, which Alicia shared during our SIG meeting on April 20, 2023. The PPTX file includes only the templates. Please download the template file and choose one of the two template formats to use for creating a project profile page. After you've created the profile, please name the file using this format: 2023 SC&TF ebook profile Project Name - Your Name (e.g.: 2023 SC&TF ebook profile GSBN - Daniela Barbosa), then upload it to the comments section of this page with a comment saying which project the profile features.

Hi everyone.....I'm having a bit of a hard time sending out individual emails. As a result, sending this out across the web site.

Does anyone need help completing their profile? I have plenty of time on my hands at the moment and can assist with digging through the internet to discover information needed.

Just reply here and send me details at


  • No labels


  1. suggestion for a company to feature in your ebook - - a Blockchain-backed food supply chain solution offering trust, transparency, and immutability to manage and maintain the quality of produce.

    1. Thank you Nick Jones. Do you know which version of Hyperledger they are using?

      1. Alicia Noel I do not but I will ask

          1. I misunderstood - I thought the question was asking what version of HL Fabric is being deployed.

  2. Like that uses GS1 standards too.  Good suggestion.  

  3. Suggestion for a company/use case:

    GrainChain has developed a revolutionary platform that is leveling the playing field for producers, buyers, storage operators, lenders and all other participants on the global agricultural supply chain. The solution combines blockchain and IoT-driven technology to verify and auto-execute smart contracts, creating fully automated and digitized workflows at every stage. 

    The blockchain solution incorporates portions of  Hyperledger Fabric, Symbiont’s Assembly platform for smart contracts and settlement and Mastercard’s Provenance Solution to enhance provenance and traceability. 

    Operates in 4 countries, has over 18,000 participants and has processed over 22.5 billion pounds of commodities.

  4. I have not completely vetted this blockchain solution as of this writing. For example, the version of Fabric the blockchain is using I have not investigated. 

    Is one of our goals to exemplify various size blockchain solutions(size in terms of user base)?

    Blockchain Platform to Track Chemicals along the Value Chain

    ChemChain’s protocol is based on the Hyperledger Fabric enterprise blockchain.

    The EU-funded ChemChain project supports the creation of an open-source global blockchain platform to transfer information on hazardous chemicals along the value chain. It involves decentralising and creating a trust layer blockchain infrastructure to safely store, exchange, build and track chemical-related information along the supply chain.

  5. Suggestion of a company for the e-Book.

    The French cosmetics company L'Oréal is using Hyperledger Fabric to create a blockchain-based system called "Track & Trace" that enables the tracking of ingredients used in L'Oréal's products, improving transparency, traceability, and quality assurance in the supply chain. The a blockchain-based system tracks the movement of cosmetic products in the supply chain from their origin to the final destination. The system records all the relevant information about the products, such as their source, production process, quality control measures, and shipping details.  

    The cosmetics market size was valued at approximately 511 billion U.S. dollars in 2021, and is projected to reach over 784 billion U.S. dollars by 2027. 

    In the cosmetics industry, blockchain is used to ensure the authenticity and quality of the products by enabling participants to verify the identities and credentials of the suppliers of raw materials and other components used in cosmetics production. This can help to improve consumer trust and confidence in cosmetic products.

    1. Thank you for the info Jeff Pribich . I was looking into the technology L'Oréal uses, but couldn't find anything on Hyperledger. Are there any publicly available sources on that? I would love to add that to the tracker I am working on. Thanks again!

  6. The information above related to L'Oreal cosmetics and their use of Hyperledger originated from ChatGPT. Extracting out the details from a different source has become a challenge today. I must grade ChatGPT at an "F". It does apologize when challenged on it's replies. 

    1. Yeah, I am familiar with this issue with ChatGPT. I ran across it a couple of times when working on the tracker... It seems like it just makes up some use cases... And if asked which Hyperledger project is being used it often just says it's Fabric. When I tell it I know for sure it is Indy (for example) it apologizes and explains what Indy is (smile) I think Bing is a bit better in that respect, but also not 100% reliable

      1. Thanks for sending......interesting. Proof of good/required manufacturing of cosmetics can be accomplished through blockchain. Agree on the timeliness. I actually registered to listen online (June 1).

  7. On a better note, the firm everledger  ( utilizes Fabric.

    "Everledger is a blockchain-based platform that provides solutions for tracking and verifying the authenticity and ownership of high-value assets, such as diamonds, luxury goods, fine art, and wine. The platform was founded in 2015 and is based on the Hyperledger Fabric framework, an open-source blockchain project hosted by the Linux Foundation."

    1. Jeff Pribich , do you want to create the profile page for Everledger? If not, I would be happy to. It's been awhile since I looked closely at what they are doing and this would be a great reason to do it.

      1. Hi Alicia. With your prior evaluation of Everledger, I'm thinking you may have a higher quality content on this particular firm for the profile. I have other firms(, ChemChain) to dig into for a profile and still have hopes there is a cosmetic company as a potential candidate. 

        1. Sounds good. Thank you.

  8. A candidate project:

  9. Folks,  As you are working on your the profiles, please take an extra look at any trade finance or payments aspect of the solution.  Always more powerful, if can bring money into the story.

  10. To acquire the actual monetary value, for example VinAssure I have just uploaded as a candidate, I believe we would need the company to provide some "aggregate" value.  They (eProvenance) are quoted as stating VinAssure has provided "tremendous value". Thoughts?

  11. If there isn't useful press coverage then it might be worth sending a note to someone on their team asking for more info. "Tremendous value" could mean almost anything. Is there any coverage that quantifies the impact? Maybe a reduction in wines returned because they've been exposed to heat and the quality deteriorated? 

    E.g. - for DLT Labs, "Since implementing this platform, the freight payment process has been streamlined from 11 steps to five steps, and dispute resolution processes have gone from more than 70% to less than two percent. Walmart Canada has seen a cost reduction of close to five percent of annual freight expenses, approximately C$30 million annually." For TradeWaltz, "Verifications have shown 44-60% operational efficiency improvements."

  12. OK. I'll dig in to determine what information they may provide to us. I'll keep everyone posted.

  13. Folks, Look forward to talking with you this Thursday!

    Please upload any draft profile you have into the table above.  If not sure how to do it/don't want to take the time to figure it out, go ahead and email to me at and will get done.

  14. Hello everyone. I relation to the eBook, VinAssure remains a good candidate. I'm waiting for detailed information in terms of ROI related to their service. Looking for monetary values associated with their following marketing claims:

    1) Cost reduction associated with wine spoilage, damage, and quality degradation throughout the supply chain.

    2) Operational Efficiency: Kindly elaborate on how eProvenance VinAssure streamlines supply chain operations, reduces manual processes, and enhances overall efficiency.

    3) Brand Protection and Customer Satisfaction: We are interested in learning how eProvenance VinAssure safeguards our brand reputation by ensuring the quality and authenticity of our wine products.

    4) Risk Mitigation: It would be valuable for us to comprehend how eProvenance VinAssure mitigates risks associated with temperature variations, transportation delays, and other factors that could impact wine quality and compliance.

    I placed a call to them and waiting for their delivery of this detail.. 

  15. Please upload your draft proposal (or put in why it's not a good fit for the eBook) by next week Friday, June 2nd. If things got busy and you're no longer able to do the one(s) you agreed to, please let me, Alicia, or Andrea know and we will find somebody else.

    We're still geared toward getting this done by June 30th. There are some really good initial profiles and research already. Looking forward to the remainder of them!

  16. Hi everyone: I continue to look for great example of Hyperledger for the eBook. The internet(LOL) mentions their use of Fabric. MediLedger is a well known blockchain solution. See the financials below.....waiting for her reply.....

    Name:Juli Cooper

    Comments:I work from Chronicled, the administrator of the MediLedger network. At Mediledger, we are using blockchain to create a secure decentralized network for the life sciences industry that creates real-time alignment to data exchange that used to be slow, costly, and misaligned. We've seen a lot of success with our network members, including a large east coast pharma company that'si attacking $324M in chargeback errors
    annually, and a fortune 500 pharma company that is recapturing $47M annually after joining. Real-time, secure interchange has the potential to revolutionize the way every industry does business, and we've seen that play out in pharma.

  17. Here is content on Vertrax as an eBook candidate including the financials. 

  18. To #19 (eProvenance-VinAssure), added a financial example using Grgich Estate Vineyard. Wine drinkers know this is one of Napa Valley's Premier vineyards. 

  19. I can add a few more candidates using Fabric (Oracle Blockchain Platform) if this is still open..

    1. Mark, We're finalizing next week, so still open to success stories that meet these key aspects:  One is that there publicly available information like webinars, or case studies and  preferably in partnership with another group, about the solution we can reference.  The second is diversity since we want to show the range of solutions and geographies where successful Hyperledger work is being done.  The third is, and in some sense the most important, is having some sort of public numerical success.  

      Feel free to add them to this page and we can take a look. 

  20. The candidate profiles for which I have entered are in the following countries:

    Country: Africa - Rwanda Mining
    Country: France - eProvenance (Vin Assure)
    Country: Switzerland - FarmerConnect
    Country: North America(U.S. and Canada) - Vertrax
    Country: U.K. - Circulor

    Note: There is a profile Australia pending however, I have yet to receive the financial benefits. Have talked with this firm (Orijin Plus). As they have time, I'm afraid they are producing a comprehensive document with detail not required for our profiles. Run out of time. 

  21. Sustainability and Traceability practices in a corporation have risen in importance almost to the level of financials. I found an Ernst & Young survey where a 1000 C-level executives responded, 80% stated Sustainability and Traceability are to be integrated into financial statements highlighting these in terms of financial gain. My opinion: for these profiles Sustainability and Traceability are at about the same level as hard dollar gains from the use of Fabric.

    E&Y quote: "Product traceability and reporting are key for corporations to meet the sustainability expectations of investors and earn their trust through the involvement of the finance function in ESG disclosures."

    This quote is in the Rwanda Mining candidate profile.

  22. Hello everyone- Here is my presentation on UAE Trade Connect. Let me know if I should make any changes or if anyone has questions. Thanks. Ned

  23. Hello everyone! We're excited to share our presentation of the RUMORE platform, which focuses on tracking rice products throughout their supply chain, using Hyperledger Sawtooth. Our goal is to improve the identification and traceability of rice products, ensuring quality and safety. Let us know if there are any changes that we have to make!

    1. Thanks for sharing Athanasios. Is the RUMORE platform in production?

  24. Not at the moment, but we are in contact for contract agreement.

  25. We're looking for solutions in production with publicly available numerical benefits. Not a good fit right now for this version of the EBook so let's look at the next version.   Another option - would you be interested and willing to present on a webinar sometime in the next few months?

  26. Hey are you still open for new nominations. I can check with one of my customers who has built a platform for Supplychain and comprises of multiple enterprises & networks.

  27. Thanks for checking Vikram! We're going to start the editing process next week so would need to have the data/form filled out by then. 

    Here are the criteria: success stories that meet these key aspects:  One is that there publicly available information like webinars, or case studies and  preferably in partnership with another group, about the solution we can reference.  The second is diversity since we want to show the range of solutions and geographies where successful Hyperledger work is being done.  The third is, and in some sense the most important, is having some sort of public numerical success.  

  28. I can do a write-up on Vinturas if needed. Let me know. Ned

  29. Hi Everyone.

    I am more than willing to spend time on the editing process and enhancing the write ups. 


  30. ...forgot to mention, I'm back from vacation and have plenty of time on my hands.

  31. Ned,  If you are able to look into and write up Vinturas, that's great.

    Jeff,  Sounds like was a good vacation!  If you can look over, validate, and edit the ones done by others, that would be very helpful.

    We're looking goodwith the meat of the eBook - the case studies.  Now we'll need to weave in the other parts of the doc.  Tomaz Sedej I think we have the template right?  Been a while so now want to dust it off.

    1. Hi Tom. Yes we do have a template already. Let me know if you'd like me to resend

  32. Regarding Everledger - there's a reorganization going on due to some investor issue, but the company continues to provide services and is restructuring under an Australian entity.  Still valid use case.

    Regarding GSBN - we have a good customer case study that can be leveraged for more details and referenced:

    Regarding Circulor - similarly a good reference case study: 

    1. Thank you for this update Mark Rakhmilevich -  very helpful!

  33. I know it's a bit late, but I would suggest adding the following (all using Hyperledger Fabric via Oracle Blockchain Platform).  Before adding them into the table above, I'll list them here and wait for the feedback.  If it's positive, I'll add these in the table and help draft the content pages.

    1. retraced: sustainable sourcing in fashion industry:
    2. Bosch: Secure Document Exchange (SDEx) in trade finance:
    3. Certified Origins: Extra Virgin Italian Olive Oil (EVOO) traceability:
    4. Open Trade Blockchain (GeTS Singapore):
    5. Keep-Sea-Blue: recycled plastics traceability in supply chain (most recent user is Tesco in the UK):

    1. Tomaz Sedej I added the 5 projects above in the table.  Please review the links and let me know which ones you want me to draft the full profiles for.

      1. Thanks a lot Mark Rakhmilevich I added all 5 of them (plus Everledger) to the Hyperledger use case tracker I am working on (it will go live in a couple of weeks). I think all are good examples for the tracker!  As for the e-book, SCTF SIG chairs Tom Klein Andrea Frosinini Alicia Noel can give some feedback on which ones are good candidates- Thanks again

  34. One more: Volvo Group Logivity:  This is a service focused on freight transportation automation, launched in Europe by Volvo Group last year with a number of carriers.

  35. Thanks Mark.  Let's us take a look at each and confirm they meet the criteria. We were planning on finalizing in the next couple weeks. Will you or somebody else there be able to get into our format once we've selected 2-3?

    1. yes, I can put these in the required format in a few days.

  36. Tom Klein Jeff Pribich Andrea Frosinini Ned Thompson, MBA David Odie  - I've updated the template and sample files above per our discussion during the meeting. I'm posting them here as well for ease of access.

  37. Hi Mark Rakhmilevich. Thanks so much for suggesting additional platforms to highlight. We took a quick look during our meeting today. The ones that would best fill in the gaps for what we are trying to achieve - if there are strong numbers to support the benefits - are Retraced and Open Trade Blockchain. The Keep-Sea-Blue and Volvo cases also look good.

    Please use the profile template, attached at the bottom of the main part of the page and in my previous message above, and look at the list of information to include. We want to make sure that the profiles clearly demonstrate the benefits of using Hyperledger-based platforms.

  38. Hello all- UAE Trade Connect and Vinturas will be providing me with more data today so that I can update their templates. Also, I spoke with Logivity/ Volvo but they won't be able to provide data as their CTO is on vacation for the next few weeks. They are definitely interested in participating in any podcasts and/or webinars that we are planning on putting together. 

    1. Hi Ned. You will see an updated format version for UAE Trade Connect. It is mostly conversion of the "Project Description" into a "bullet point" form. Can you update that version?


  39. Here is the updated one for Vinturas. Let me know if additional changes are needed. Hoping to get final data from UAE Trade Connect on 7-20. 

  40. Here is the updated one for UAE Trade Connect. I emailed their CFO to get updated numbers, but he wasn't able to provide them, so I just have what I found online from 2021. Let me know if any changes need to be made. Ned

  41. Last call on any submissions. You can see the ones we've confirmed today for inclusion in the rightmost column of the table. Mark Rakhmilevich Are you going to be able to send anything? You had some good looking ones.

    1. Yes, working to finalize by tomorrow.

  42. here's the four pages for Logivity, retraced, GeTS OTB, and KeepSeaBlue.

  43. Alicia Noel Tom Klein
    I also updated the GSBN one with the latest info on their solutions, and links to our recent case study.  

    If you want me to review and edit Everledger or Circulor, which are both using Oracle blockchain, let me know.

  44. Mark Rakhmilevich Good stuff - thanks for pulling these together. Saw you added your Oracle case study link to the GSBN.  Go ahead and add to the Circulor one too.  

    In general, are you able to pull the thread on the numerics to give some result. Even saying something like 50% more efficient (retraced) or 30k Certs of Origin reduced time to prove by nn% (GeTS) or reduce trips by over nn% (logivity) will give it more punch.

    I like the 500 tons number since that's a 1M pounds on KeepSeaBlue.  Is there a number that has already been achieved we can use?  Maybe something like.....  Tesco has already used 100 tons of this plastic on their way to 500 tons used before end of 2024.

    We're trying to show production results so people see there are real solid benefits despite, still, lots of squishy talk about blockchain projects that CAN do something, but haven't yet. 

    1. I will try to see if there's any additional quantifiable data for these.  Logivity is too early, but others might be able to share more..

  45. If anyone needs some help on searching further of "numerics" for their eProfile just let me know.

    • Jeff
  46. Mark Rakhmilevich Just looked at the Logivity openworldtour from London link and is already replaced by 2024 info.  Maybe there is a replay for this weeks session at OpenWorld?

    1. Hi Mark Rakhmilevich.  Are you able to share a live link to the Logivity openworldtour presentation?

      1. I can share the actual presentation deck from Oracle CloudWorld Las Vegas event last month, but there was no recording.

         Volvo Logivity Deck for OCW2023.pptx

        1. Thank you Mark Rakhmilevich. Are there any media articles (e.g. Harvard Business Review, Forbes, MIT Tech Review, etc.) that discuss Logivity? Or even a use case posted to the company website? It would be helpful if we could share a publicly available resource where people can learn more.

          1. There are no detailed media articles, but here's an article mentioning the discussion between Safra Katz (our CEO) and Logivity at the London event:  For more info and public resource I would reference the site directly.

  47. Tom Klein Alicia Noel Thanks for the mention in announcing the eBook on linkedin.  However, I was surprised that most of the use cases I shared weren't included in the main list.  And even GSBN page didn't have Oracle logo on it vs a number of others with IBM logos.  I think our use cases with Circulor, Everledger, CertifiedOrigins, OTB, and others are equally strong and would paint a broader picture of Hyperledger breadth in supply chain and trade. 

    1. Mark Rakhmilevich We are already planning on updates for the eBook.

      Our criteria for including an additional logo was if the other logo was a major driver of the solution founding and build and was public acknowledged. Let us know if we missed that one with GSBN.   

      We want to include more in the main list. Almost all the solutions that didn't make the cut were because there was no publicly available numeric benefit.  If there is some new info, let us know. That would be great to be able to add more. I know we dug deep for something with Circulor and came up empty. 

      Happy to get on the phone to discuss if there is more we can work with.

      Alicia Noel Jeff Pribich 

  48. Tom Klein GSBN has been Oracle-driven from day 1 of the solution.  Public reference is  in this customer reference story:

    For Circulor, the benefits are regulatory compliance with sustainable sourcing regs, which is just as important as numeric benefits.  Their story also shows significant numeric backing in terms of breadth of coverage (from

    Multiple leading organizations use Circulor’s solutions to track critical minerals and carbon emissions, across 30 global supply chains. These supply chains include over 100 facilities, comprising:

    • 30 upstream mines and refineries
    • 40 midstream producers
    • 30 manufactures and OEMs
    • 10 recyclers and logistics providers

    Over the past five years, Circulor has used Oracle’s technology to help customers record over two billion data points. Clients can trace materials through these supply chains. They can locate the equivalent of more than 250 million uniquely identifiable products and constituent materials for over 150 million batteries and 500,000 electric vehicles.