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Online Meeting Login Details: Supply Chain SIG General Meetings 



  • If you’re new to the group, please…

    • Introduce yourself

    • Tell us where you're geographically located

    • Share with us your interests in supply chain in general, and blockchain technologies in specific

    • Consider posting your contact information in our SC-SIG Membership Directory

    • Questions? 


  • Change in Supply Chain SIG Chair
  • Request for volunteers for SIG Secretary role 
  • Use Case surveys posted
  • RFI Questions Small Project Update
  • Hyperledger Washington Presentation on State of blockchain for Supply Chain on 10/20/21 by Jeff Stollman and Tom Klein 

Presentation by Durai Appadurai, a cofounder of BONbLOC, where he focuses on product and customer strategies.

Feel free to add items in advance or bring them up during start of meeting

  • BONbLOC is a young SaaS software company with operations in the US and India.  The company’s mission is to create unprecedented value opportunities for Commercial and Government customers through use of Blockchain, IOT and data science technologies.  The company’s has already rolled out a platform that helps its customers track and trace various product or supply chain data points.  As an open source technology company, BONbLOC almost exclusively uses Hyperledger, Presto and Linux Foundation products.

    Durai has over 25 years of experience in the supply chain space and has delivered impactful results in various roles within CPG, enterprise software and management consulting companies. His team recently delivered $25m savings deploying a blockchain solution to manage global freight operations, which led to his founding of this firm.  Durai has been using Hyperledger Fabric since before its first commercial release.

Next Session

Feel free to add items in advance or bring them up during start of meeting

  • Open Discussion Topic Roundtable 

    • What is the best way to trial something right now?  What would be a Trial in a Box or a trial map look like?

Upcoming reports

Next SIG report is due Jan 22


items for backlog 

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