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  1. The Genesis Block is the first block or block zero in any blockchain-based system, It is the prototype of all other blocks in the blockchain  network. Based on this which additional blocks are added to form a chain of blocks, hence we call them blockchain. In theory, there is no real need for a Genesis Block. However, it is necessary to have a starting point that everyone can trust.

    The hash of genesis block is added to all new transactions in a new block. This combination is used to create its unique hash. This process is repeated until all the new blocks are added to a blockchain. Without Genesis Block, it would be really difficult for the participant to trust a blockchain and to know  how and when it started.

    Note : Every block in a blockchain stores a reference to the previous block. In the case of Genesis Block, there is no previous block for reference.

    Technically it means that the Genesis Block has it’s “previous hash” value set to 0. Which  means that no data was processed before the Genesis Block.All other blocks will have sequential numbers starting by 1, and will have a “previous hash” set to the hash of the previous block.