
The HLF-Connector is a project within the Hyperledger Labs community that provides a way to connect to and interact with Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Networks from external applications using REST APIs & Kafka-based Topics. This connector acts as a gateway between Fabric and non-Fabric applications, allowing external applications to securely read and write data to the Fabric blockchain through both synchronous and asynchronous modes of interaction. HLF-Connector provides a convenient and flexible way to integrate Fabric blockchain networks into external applications, allowing developers to build robust and secure decentralized applications that can interact with the Fabric network. 




Aditya Joshiadityaprakashjoshi1@gmail.com
Nithin Pankaj





Subhranil Rahasubhranilrahaofficial@gmail.com

Activities and Deliverables



6 June - 29 June
  • Onboarding
  • Mentee Mentor Interaction
  • Defining Project Scope
30 June - 13 July
  • Understand Hyperledger Fabric's Key Concepts, Architecture, Commands, and Operation Guides in Detail
  • Understand Kafka for SpringBoot and how the connector has implemented it.
14 July - 27 July
  • Understand Fabric Java SDK / Gateway Client API
  • Understand Docker, Kubernetes, and Azure Practically

28 July - 10 Aug

(1st quarter mentee evaluation)

  • Understand how to deploy a Fabric network to a Kubernetes cluster 
  • Understand the HLF Bevel Operator
  • Understand GitHub Actions and create CICD pipelines
11 Aug - 24 Aug
  • Bring up a Fabric network with two peer nodes and three ordered nodes for running end-to-end integration tests using the fabric8.io maven plugin

25 Aug - 8 Sept

(mid-term evaluation)

  • Run the Integration tests
  • Identify the features/test cases that aren't addressed and work on them
9 Sept - 22 Sept
  • Run the connector locally from Mentor's direction 
  • Update the User Documentation on how to run the connector locally
23 Sept - 6 Oct
  • Understand how the existing APIs are implemented
  • Implement an API that will list all the chaincodes in a fabric network only after it is committed following the chaincode lifecycle

7 Oct - 20 Oct

(3rd quarter evaluation)

  • Understand the unit and integration tests that are implemented
  • Implement integration tests for sending and getting transactions to a chaincode by creating TransactionIT to address chaincode operations and Private Data Collection 
21 Oct - 3 Nov
  • Test the application for it to run on Ubuntu(Linux)
  • Fix the netty dependency issue for the connector to run on the M1 architecture

4 Nov - 31 Nov

(final mentee evalutaion)

  • Understand how to convert the chaincode endorsement policy that is accepted in the form of string through chaincode operations API and process the request using hyperledger fabric java sdk
  • Implement the chaincode endorsement policy when approving and committing a chaincode by accepting the policy as a string a building it as yaml file using snakeyaml
  • Mentorship Wrap Up
  • No labels