Project TitleHyperledger Labs AI-FAQ LLM ChatBot GUI implementation and prototype deployment


Primary Focus



The Hyperledger Labs AIFAQ is an LLM ChatBot testable as a proof-of-concept. It replies to questions about Hyperledger standard documentation. The current version is a Google Colab Notebook which uses Gradio as GUI. This project proposes an implementation of a standard ChatBot GUI and the deployment of a prototype. Our end goal is to have a more usable system installed on a Cloud Server.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn LLM background technology

  • Learn Javascript language and framework

  • Learn basics of Front-end development

  • Learn Cloud architecture and deployment

  • Learn how to create high quality documentation

Expected Outcome and Deliverables

  • An LLM prototype with acceptable time response and implementation costs
  • A Front-end component prototype

  • A simple container architecture

  • A good quality documentation

Relation to Hyperledger and Impact on the community

Hyperledger Labs aifaq:

Recommended Skills

  • Fundamentals of Front-end programming

  • Typescript/Javascript programming language

  • Exposure to containerization

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Name: Gianluca Capuzzi


discord: gianlucacapuzzi

Additional Information

Wiki pages are available here:

Mentee Training Session

Week 1: Project Introduction and LLM Background

  • Objective: Understand the project scope and learn about LLM (Large Language Models) technology.
  • Deliverables:
    • Complete a review of the existing Hyperledger Labs AIFAQ documentation.
    • Research and document the basics of LLM, focusing on how they can be applied to create intelligent ChatBots.

Week 2: Introduction to JavaScript and Frameworks

  • Objective: Learn JavaScript and explore frameworks that will be used for the project.
  • Deliverables:
    • Complete JavaScript tutorials focusing on syntax and basic programming constructs.
    • Explore and document JavaScript frameworks suitable for ChatBot development (e.g., Node.js for backend, React or Vue.js for frontend).

Week 3: Front-end Development Basics

  • Objective: Learn the fundamentals of front-end development.
  • Deliverables:
    • Create a basic static webpage using HTML and CSS.
    • Integrate simple JavaScript code into the webpage to prepare for more dynamic development.

Week 4: Front-end for ChatBot

  • Objective: Develop the front-end component of the ChatBot.
  • Deliverables:
    • Design a user-friendly interface for the ChatBot using your chosen JavaScript framework.
    • Implement the interface as a functional prototype that can later be integrated with the backend LLM.

Week 5: Cloud Architecture Introduction

  • Objective: Understand cloud architecture and select a cloud service for deployment.
  • Deliverables:
    • Research cloud service providers (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) and their offerings.
    • Document the pros and cons of each service with respect to the project's needs and select one for deployment.

Week 6: Cloud Deployment Basics

  • Objective: Learn how to deploy applications on the cloud.
  • Deliverables:
    • Go through tutorials on deploying applications on your chosen cloud service.
    • Begin the deployment of the front-end component as a test.

Week 7: Containerization

  • Objective: Learn about containerization and how it can be used for the project.
  • Deliverables:
    • Research and document the basics of container technology (e.g., Docker).
    • Create a simple container for the ChatBot's front-end.

Week 8: Integration and Testing

  • Objective: Integrate the front-end with the LLM backend and test the prototype.
  • Deliverables:
    • Integrate the front-end component with the LLM backend, ensuring they communicate effectively.
    • Conduct initial testing and document any issues or bugs.

Week 9: Deployment on Cloud Server

  • Objective: Deploy the fully integrated ChatBot on the cloud server.
  • Deliverables:
    • Finalize the deployment of the ChatBot on your chosen cloud service.
    • Perform comprehensive testing to ensure functionality and performance standards are met.

Week 10: Documentation and Quality Assurance

  • Objective: Create high-quality documentation and perform final quality checks.
  • Deliverables:
    • Document the project extensively, including setup instructions, user guides, and technical details.
    • Perform final rounds of testing, focusing on user experience and bug fixing.

Week 11: Project Review and Feedback

  • Objective: Review the project outcomes and gather feedback.
  • Deliverables:
    • Organize a project demonstration for stakeholders to gather feedback.
    • Reflect on the project process, documenting lessons learned and potential improvements.

Week 12: Project Wrap-Up and Future Planning

  • Objective: Conclude the project and plan for future enhancements.
  • Deliverables:
    • Finalize all project documentation and ensure all code and resources are well-organized and accessible.
    • Outline potential future enhancements and areas for further development.

This timeline is a guide and may need adjustments based on your progress, challenges encountered, and any evolving project requirements. Regular meetings with mentors and team members will be crucial to staying on track and addressing any issues promptly.


  1. hello sir I want to contribute to this project. can you guide me sir how to apply !! I want to work under you, sir .

      1. Sir, I have been given the task as a requisite can I submit that tomorrow sir whose due date is today but since I am having a semester exam tomorrow if I submit that tomorrow will there be any issues sir?

        Very excited to contribute .

        1. hey, hi hope you are fine. I need some help, actually a small clarification, I received a mail today with subject  "[confluence] Recommended in Hyperledger Foundation " through the mail I landed to this page found out there are mentee listed ,so are people already selected. If u can clarify, I would be helpful.

  2. Hi Sir, 

    I've applied to this project and want to contribute..

  3. Hello Sir,

    I'm really interested in this project and would love to learn more and contribute to it. I have some experience with React.js for front-end development and machine learning models, and I'm eager to dive deeper and learn more from you. I believe I can make a meaningful contribution to this project because my background has equipped me with the basic skill set needed for this opportunity.

    I'm excited about the chance to work with experienced mentors and learn more about the technology behind this project. I submitted my application on mentorship application website. 

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  4. hello sir I want to contribute to this project. I'm really interested in this project and would love to learn more and contribute to it. I have some experience with React.js for front-end development and machine learning models, and I'm eager to dive deeper and learn more from you. I believe I can make a meaningful contribution to this project because my background has equipped me with the basic skill set needed for this opportunity.

    1. Hello and Welcome to the Hyperledger Labs aifaq project. You can apply to the Hyperledger CLP 2024 edition in June!

  5. Hello Sir,

    I have applied to contribute for this project via the LFX portal and am very interested in contributing to the project. Could you please clarify if the interviews have been conducted?

    1. Hello Saket,

      yes, we're completed the interviews. If you are not shortlisted, pleas apply to the Hyperledger CLP 2024 edition in June!

      1. Hello Sir, can you tell me the Hyperledger CLP 2024 edition june schedule ? 

        1. Hello Arti,

          if you are interested in the project please join the weekly meeting on Monday, Thanks

          1. Where are the details of weekly meeting ?

            1. This morning 

              Mon, June 17, Monday at 9 am EDT.
              Where (map)
              Description This is a regular call for the AIFAQ lab and anyone who is interested is welcome to join.

  6. hello sir,

    I have applied to contribute for this project via the LFX portal and am very interested in contributing to the project. Sir can you please clarify the further process regarding this?

    1. Hello Shreya,

      We have recently concluded our interviews for this project. If you are not shortlisted, please apply to the Hyperledger CLP starting in June.

      Thank you for your interest.

      1. When and where will you declare the schedule for CLP program ??

  7. I have received a mail showing status accepting and I got a dashboard of tasks not yet task given . Is this means I am selected for the program to work ?? Very much excited to work . Sir  Gianluca Capuzzi can you say about it ??

    1. Hello Supratick Mondal, did you receive the LFX email? 

  8. We have a mentor meeting today and if you want to join the project as volunteer, please join the weekly meeting on Monday.
