Mentee name : Deepika S R 

Github ID :  DeepikaSR4

Linkedin :  Deepika S R

Artifacts of deliverables : 

  1. Qualitative research responses  : Link to responses
  2. Quantitative research responses : Link to responses
  3. Competitve audit :  Link to file
  4. User persona/Empathy map/Customer journey map/ User stories : File link
  5. Cardsortin/ Information architecture/ User flows : File link
  6. Wireframes : Link to Wireframe
  7. Style Guide : Link to Guide → Other than the mentioned ones in the guide I followed Material design for Iconography and others
  8. High Fidelity Prototypes : 

Artifacts showcasing contributions : 

  1. Link to qualitative research conducted : Recording Link
  2. Link to blog :  Link to Medium Blog
  3. Link to recording: TOC Presentation on 24/08/2023

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