The wiki for Hyperledger India Chapter is moved to Hyperledger India Regional Chapter Home

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  1. Do you have a rocketchat channel? 

    1. Vipin, yes, this group has a channel on Rocket.Chat that is linked to above.  That is at:

      1. Thanks, I guess it is not called twg-India which is what I searched for.

    2. Mailing list, Rocket.Chat channel, meeting information has been updated

  2. I am Looking at who I can contribute to the Hyperledger India chapter as working ( Founding Team Member ) in Bithvenue- an enterprise blockchain solution. I am also hosting the webinar series The future with Blockchain in this we bring a person who is using blockchain in its industry.  - / 7015571891 /

    1. Lakshay Taneja  – thanks for your interest in contributing to the Hyperledger India Chapter.  I would encourage you to post to the group's mailing list and talk with people there.  Not everyone in the group is checking comments on the wiki, so you'll have a better chance talking with the people there.  You can sign up and get instructions on how to post to that list at:

      And for connecting with people who are using blockchain in different industries, feel free to also connect with our Special Interest Groups that are focused on how Hyperledger is being adopted in a range of industries, including healthcare, telecom and more.

      Special Interest Groups

    2. Please join the Hyperledger India Chapter's weekly call as mentioned in this page. We have many enthusiasts and volunteers helping in different fronts.