
  • Updates / needs from CA2SIG Working Groups
  • How might we improve our meeting format?
  • Update: Contribution campaign around earth day 
  • Updating the wiki
  • Hyperledger Mentorship Program / Intern Roles
  • Climate Ledger Initiative "Open Call for Use Cases" - deadline April 20
  • Share summary of group input from 2021 planning exercise
  • CA2 SIG has become a member of the Climate Chain Coalition
  • Final Announcements


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Meeting Notes 

  • Updates / needs from CA2SIG Working Groups
    • Standards WG: planning for the year 
    • Energy WG: to introduce new use case.
    • Utility Emissions Channel - launched our Hyperledger Fabric network. To check the current state of the network you can access (which is now secured with TLS) Username: ca2sig Password: ca2sig1234
  • Improving our meeting format?
    • Kick-off with lighting round of 1-2 minute updates of existing WG's / Projects / Etc... (and key opps for participating)
    • Reinstate the use of breakout rooms during second half of meeting?
  • Update: Contribution campaign around earth day 
    • Opportunity for series of posts to drip over the earth day campaign. Projects with open prompts are encouraged to put together some messaging if they would like. Other existing posts may include
    • Peter from Cactus 
    • Martin Wainstein - project that he is in early stages of forming.
  • Share summary of group input from 2021 planning exercise
    •  Mural Board
    • Input
    • A page will be created on the wiki that will include
      • the Mural Board from our brainstorming session
      • Plan for 2021 with Action Items Provided by Team members
  • CA2 SIG has become a member of the Climate Chain Coalition
    • Invitation to fill out survey

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