• Finalize name and abbreviation of group – Supply Chain & Trade Finance and STSIG (Owner: Chairs)
  • Create new design assets (Owner: Tomaz)
  • Merge mailing lists (Owner: David)
  • Merge wiki (Owner: Tomaz/Erik)
  • Create new chat channel on Discord (Owner: David)
  • Merge calendars (Owner: David/Erik)
  • Merge YouTube playlists (Owner: Igor)
  • Merge LinkedIn (Owner: Erik)
  • Relaunch announcement and campaign (Owner: Tom/David)
  • Build marketing plan for ongoing engagement (Owner: Tom/David)
  • No labels


  1. For the mailing list, I shared my recommendation a while ago over email.  My proposal was similar to the proposal for how to handle the two LinkedIn accounts -- pick one to merge the other one into vs. moving off of both and creating a brand new one.  I think that would limit the disruption.  We can discuss this option on the call this week.

    For the wiki, we've set up Confluence spaces for SIGs using 5 letter abbreviations (such as SCSIG for Supply Chain SIG).  Does this group have a thought about the five letter abbreviation you'd prefer?  STSIG perhaps?

    For chat, if you'd like to help us test Discord that will be great.  We'd be happy to get you set up there and we'd welcome your feedback about if that works better for the group than Rocket.Chat.  Do you have a proposed channel name?  #supply-chain-and-trade-finance-SIG?

    For the calendar, this is dependent on what choice we make for a mailing list since the calendar uses the mailing list tool.

    For YouTube, that will be straight-forward to merge those together.

    • David Boswell If GTSIG isn't taken, I'd go for that. We still mulling over a name that makes sense and Tom Klein likes Global Trade. We're just not convinced yet. But for the Confluence page I think it would work
    • Go for #supply-chain-and-trade-finance-SIG Discord. No one really uses Rocket Chat
    • Mailing Lists and Calendars: Lets move over Trade Finance into the Supply Chain list. The SC list has more members. 
    • YouTube: Easy Peasy.
    1. I think I would invite the members of one mailing list to the other, instead of force-adding them. thoughts?

      1. Erik Valiquette – Thanks for your quick response.  If you're considering going with Global Trade SIG for a name, then I'd recommend that we consistently use that across the different tools, like the list and chat channel.  If the wiki were Global Trade SIG but the other tools referenced Supply Chain and Trade Finance SIG that seems like it could cause confusion.

        Ry Jones – my thought on the direct add is that the group members have agreed to merge and they've already opted into one of the lists of the two groups.  An invite to join could get lost and then someone who wanted to be on the combined list might miss be added to it.

        1. David Boswell Then give us a couple of days to make up our damm minds (smile). For the moment, we're still stuck on Supply Chain and Trade Finance

  2. Ry Jones I'm afraid we would loose more members that way. By merging, they can always remove themselves. 

  3. We had multiple emails on both the SC and TF wiki blogs about this and only one person even came close to saying don't do the merger. I don't think the members want extra steps so I'm a strong mergist  (if that is a word!)

  4. Erik Valiquette I have prepared a table for merging wiki pages. It specifies where certain sections and subsections from both existing wikis should be placed in the new template. I hope it makes sense. I should note that this first part is only meant as a "tidying up" - having a consistent format across all SIGs. The next step will include some content improvements, such as Tom's suggestion to make it easy for members to put meetings to their calendars (as well as other stuff - I found some great ideas under the "WIKI page ideas for Q4 2021" on the current SCSIG page - and we should certainly look into these as well).

    Please find the table here: 

  5. Awesome Tomaz Sedej !This will help a lot. Once we have our final name of course

    1. Great! I'm glad you find it helpful Erik Valiquette. Of course, let's return to this once the name is finalized.