The CommunityBridge platform under construction at the Linux Foundation has a new metrics dashboard coming together. We have been asked to come up with metrics we'd like to see included from the Hyperledger community. One area we haven't thought much about is engagement metrics from our mailing lists. This page is the right place to comment/add metrics ideas for the new dashboard. Below are some initial ideas, feel free to add others and/or comment.

Metrics Ideas

  • Measure the volume of contributions of individuals so that the dashboard can show if there are just a few contributors generating most of the posts or if it is more broad based with many individuals contributing. This is a measure of general excitement.
  • Measure the volume of contributions of companies and organizations for the same reasons as above.
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Our ongoing concern is the apparent gain/loss of membership for reasons we're unable to ascertain. It'd be great to identify how and why a member joins our organization, and why they've decided to leave. provides mechanisms around this, and I've found it to be a very useful analytical tool. In addition, we've been very conscious of exposing our guest presentations across much broader media outlets, in the hopes of driving interest in the organization. Again, we have no mechanism that permits us to know if we're successful in these endeavors. Perhaps other more established volunteer organizations (ACM, IEEE, etc.) may provide insight on establishing more mature community metrics. As well, marketing organizations regularly track user engagement based on how and from where they enter a website (using custom URLs, aka referral URLs).