Session Topic or Project

This session will cover the overall architecture of the Hyperledger Ursa cryptography library as well as highlight areas of the project where we are looking for volunteers to take ownership. We will also go over our community meeting schedule, chat room, and mailing lists to help new people become active members of the Ursa community.

Slides from presentation

Session Leader

  • Mike Lodder

Time Slots and Spaces

  • March 7th, 13:00-14:00, Training Room 1
  • March 7th, 14:00-15:00, Training Room 1, 中文

Experience Level of Participants


Session Language

English, 中文

Programming Language(s)

  • C / C++
  • Go
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Rust
  • Other

Other Prerequisites

The Plan

The Goals

Software to Install Before

  • Rust toolchain.
  • Cargo build tool.

Special Equipment Required

  • No labels


  1. 需要讨论:

    1. 总体的目标是什么? big picture of Ursa : all projects can share common crypto code; more secure; 
      two lib: libursa and libzmix : 
    2. 不同国家的密码算法是怎么加入到Ursa项目中?how to connect different crypto into project? 
      Libursa goal: 
      Encryption SALSA20,CHACHA20,AES,SM4,kUZNYECHIK
      SIGNATURES: ED25519,SECP256K1,BLS,NIST P Curves, SM2, GOST...
      key Exchnges: X25519,SECP256K1,NIST P CURVE,SM2,VKO GOST R 34.1--2012
      Highly configurable for selecting algorithms(Rust features)
      Dangerous combination is blocked
      Libzmix Goals
      Zero Knowledge proof primitives
      Signatures ; CL,BBS,PS
      Ranges : bulletproofs,R1CS
      Set membership : bulletproofs, R1CS
    3. 如何实现不同的国密算法?是通过不同的程序组分别封装?还是用参数来进行切换?
      Contribution Welcome
      Chinese SM crypto algorithms/GOST Russian crypto algorithm/Encryption APIs/Hashing APIs.....
      Move CL to Libzmix/Eliminate openssl(only used for BIGNUM)/Eliminate Libsodium...
    4. 如何让C++被Rust调用?
    5. Ursa用Rust来写,哪里下载Rust? 有什么版本要求? 操作系统王珂、李鑫、邹云峰用Ubuntu。