• Open source project name
    • Hyperledger Aries Framework Javascript
  • Link to the open source project 
  • Open source project description
    • Hyperledger Foundation is an open source community focused on developing a suite of stable frameworks, tools and libraries for enterprise-grade blockchain deployments. Hyperledger Aries is one of the projects in the community and provides a shared, reusable, interoperable tool kit designed for initiatives and solutions focused on creating, transmitting and storing verifiable digital credentials. Aries Framework JavaScript is a key part of Hyperledger Aries that is a framework written in TypeScript for building SSI Agents and DIDComm services that aims to be compliant and interoperable with the standards defined in the Aries RFCs.
  • What license does your open source project operate under?
    • Apache License, Version 2.0
  • Link to your organization’s information page about Season of Docs
  • Primary administrator's full name 
    • David Boswell, Director of Community Architecture, Hyperledger Foundation
  • Primary administrator's email address 
  • Alternative email address
  • Project proposal title
    • Creating Documentation in English and Spanish for the Hyperledger Aries Framework JavaScript.
  • Link to project proposal 
    • ?
  • What is the total budget you are requesting for your project?
    • $14,500.00
  • Provide a link to your detailed budget:
    • See Below

Your project's problem

Users of Aries Framework JavaScript want to build self-sovereign identity solutions using the framework, but often have a hard time because there is almost no documentation. Companies currently working with the framework have deep knowledge of the internals of the framework. Companies that have less knowledge are left to read code or ask the maintainers. There is also a lack of guidance on what is supported, and in what scenarios the framework can be used. For example there is an extension repository that I suspect few will know of: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript-ext. We need to guide new users of the framework on how the framework works and what you can do with it.

We would also like to grow the contributor-base of Aries Framework JavaScript in the spanish-speaking community, and having these docs in English and Spanish will help that effort.

Your project's scope

For now we really want to focus on improving the existing documentation and extending it for the most basic features. This includes documentation on:

- How to create connections

- How to issue and receive credentials

- How to set up mediation

- How to prove and verify proofs

This work would first be completed in English and then be translated into Spanish. 

Measuring your project's success

  • Improved onboarding experience for new contributors, reducing friction from asking basic questions and getting started faster.
  • Increased support deflections by using docs
  • Docs provide effective 1 to many support, measured in fewer requests for 1:1 support from project team
  • Surveying Aries Maintainers on the improvement in quality of the documentation
  • Reaching existing and new developers who are Spanish speakers to grow the contributor base.
  • The Hyperledger Foundation has developed active regional communities, including a Hyperledger Latinoamerica Chapter, and we will measure the success of the Spanish language documentation by observing adoption of this tool in that community and adding new contributors.

What Skills Does a Writer Need?

Required: Familiarity with Git, Confluence Wiki, Discord

Nice to have: Understanding of open source concepts, decentralized ledger technology, decentralized identity, javascript


@Timo Glastra, Animo Solutions


Budget Item


Running Total


Technical writer updating existing Aries JS Framework technical documentation in English



Technical writer creating updated Aries JS Framework technical documentation in Spanish



Technical writer creating new Aries JS Framework technical documentation in support of 2.0 Release in English



Technical writer creating new Aries JS Framework technical documentation in support of 2.0 Release in Spanish



Volunteer Stipend





Contact info

Before applying, please note:

Email is the only acceptable channel for contact about GSoD.

Do not contact admins about GSoD via chat apps or in any other channel.

The program page for Google Season of Docs is the best source of information for questions about the program, including relevant dates.

To apply, send an email to community-architects@hyperledger.org. Include links to examples of your technical writing portfolio and résumé/CV.

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