$action.dateFormatter.formatGivenString("dd-MMM-yyyy", $content.getCreationDate()) (7:00am - 8:00am PT)

via Zoom

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct

TSC Members


  • Arnaud Le Hors
  • Baohua Yang
  • Binh Nguyen
  • Christopher Ferris
  • Dan Middleton
  • Hart Montgomery
  • Kelly Olson
  • Mark Wagner
  • Mic Bowman
  • Nathan George
  • Silas Davis




  • Internship program deadline is today.
  • Decision: extended deadline a week.
    • Get your project proposals in ASAP.

Items of discussion

  • Bootcamps
    • APAC bootcamp
      • Still looking for representatives from Sawtooth and Fabric to run sessions at the bootcamp.
      • Bootcamp materials are being created in as reusable materials for others to use for future bootcamps.
    • Upcoming bootcamps 
      • Bootcamp BC in Vancouver in March that is focused on Hyperledger Indy.
      • India in May?
      • Brazil in June?
  • Contributors' Summit
    • Looked into hosting in Japan in conjunction with members' summit and it would use up the entire bootcamp budget.
    • Looking at just going with unconference days attached to other HL events as a compromise.
      • Biggest issue is cost.
      • Still looking for something affordable to have one in Tokyo.
      • Kelly: maybe we have geographically located contributors' meetings to make the travel ask a much easier lift.
      • Hart: is going to reach out some people to ask about meeting space.
      • The contributors' summit in Canada will have a more structured agenda with a consensus building process and maybe a little bit of unconference to make sure we have flexibility to cover things that come up.
        • The hope is to have themes for these events such as "interop and collaboration".
  • Security Audits
    • Composer audit is going out.
    • Proposed change to the process to allow the release of reports when all high and medium issues have been fixed or there are no issues found.
      • Vote result: accepted, unanimously.
    • Chris: is there a process in place around when we re-audit projects that have already been audited?
      • We're developing metrics around churn and security sensitive code changes.
      • Upcoming proposal to TSC on the procedures around this.
    • Chris: what about security alert emails from Github hosted projects?
  • Quilt reboot
    • Bringing in Architecture group next week to discuss
      • protocols to support
      • values vs assets
    • Still in the phase of figuring out the over-arching needs of everybody involved.
    • This will likely come back to the TSC with proposal on what will come out of the Quilt project.
    • Silas: 
      • expanding the scope is probably the wrong thing to do.
      • there's a gap here that could be filled by a WG on meta-consensus that swaps state and/or value across ledgers.
  • Diversity & Inclusion

Quarterly updates

  • Technical Working Group China
    • They focused on four areas:
      • development and innovation
      • translating documentation and educational materials
      • collaboration
      • event organization
    • Because of festivals they had reduced output
    • Successfully translated Fabric 1.4 documentation with 20+ participants attending the event.
    • Questions:
      • When translating are you focused on documentation or are you also making code changes to separate user-facing messages so that they can be translated?
        • They focused on just the documentation.
        • We should look at a solution for splitting out program messages for translation as well.
      • Are there any new project proposals coming out of the TWGC?
        • So far, no.
        • There is a proposal to add the China crypto to Ursa and a proposal to update/improve the node and python SDK for Fabric.
      • Is there any way we can make things easier for contributors in China?
        • They use Wechat a lot, including for technical discussions.
        • More learning materials in Chinese would help. 
      • Is there a way to do a plugin for Rocket.Chat that does translation between English and Chinese in real time?
        • Wechat does automatic translation.
        • Probably not for Rocket.Chat.
        • Possible solution would be to write a bot that links Wechat and Rocket.Chat.
        • Maybe set up geographically centered channels in Rocket.Chat.
  • Hyperledger Cello
    • Updates
      • They mainly discussed new designs for Cello this quarter.
      • They have many contributors attending Cello calls.
      • No new releases this quarter.
      • Minimalist support for kubernetes deploy of Fabric network.
      • Improving user experience with the dashboard.
    • Questions
      • How is Cello handling the Kubernetes support for Fabric?
        • The community is still focused on supporting Docker, Ansible, as well as Kubernetes.

Upcoming items

  • Hyperledger Composer
    • Looking for new contributors and maintainers.
    • The project is a quarter behind on updates.
  • Hyperledger Quilt
    • Undergoing a reboot. 
    • Looking for new contributors and maintainers as well.


  • Ambassadors reboot
  • Testnets
  • CI/CD
  • Project Readiness 1.0
  • What does vendor diversity mean?
  • Election of New Chair for Learning Materials Dev WG 
    • Include ask of TSC for projects to send a representative to LMGD group
    • Sent email to email list about voting
  • No labels