


  • Discuss how things are going, keeping the release in mind.

Discussion items

  • Prepared report for HL about Iroha release. The team needs to review it.
    Single blocker — burrow integration.
    Will work on the Release Notes and documentation to have those in time for Release
  • Worked on multi-hash cryptography - 1 question, need to advise from Andrei. The task appears to be bigger than expected but on review already.
  • There is an issue with MST.
  • Everything is ok with Utimaco. Will finish till the end of the week
  • On Saturday had a call with Eugene, discussed Burrow storage and client request on committed transactions with Burrow call command inside. Changes are not yet made but plan to finish today - add some handles to storage and use them in Go wrapper.
  • After that – reviews.
  • Talked to DevOps about the release docker build - fixed the binaries.
  • Other tasks should be done till the end of the week
  • Call with Andrei about Burrow went very productively, waiting for Andrei’s interfaces to finish the documentation.
  • While those interfaces are not ready – will work on CMake task.
  • About IR-697 - very little from Eugene (change event sync implementation), most of it is on Andrei. So it will be just an addition to Andrei’s work Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.
  • Productive weekend – fixed CLI by adding everything lacking.
  • Found how to reproduce a phantom transaction bug:  Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. . It produces 2 transactions with the same hash in storage - GRPC seems to complete the package by sending it again when there is a high load. Interesting thing: often a batch fully freezes and its transactions double in another batch - added logging to show all the blocks in storage. Close to understanding what is wrong
  • Found something wrong with MST_OFF flag - allows creating pending MSTs (it seems to be by design?). 
  • Another issue found. Will need to research it:  Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

  • Java library. Will finish till Wednesday and cover with tests.

Bonus round: 

Andrei Lebedev and Mikhail Boldyrev

Decided to ditch this task for now:  Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.


Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

needs to be finished. Will do it by dividing it into 2 parts: 1 to be merged into master and another – into a release branch. 

Action items
