

Discussion items

  • Checked the second multi-hash PR, there is no coverage by tests.
  • Burrow PRs will be finished this week.
  • We have master build in DockerHub, which contains multi-hash functionality
  • We do not have multi-hash documentation in the master now. Sara will take care.
  • Merged multi-hash in the master
  • Created slides for the project presentation
  • Today and tomorrow we will have interviews with Hyperledger interns.
  • Will take care of the issues from DevOps.
  • Created a task for the Burrow integration improvements. 
  • Made a refactoring of the Go code for the Burrow, making wrapper less complicated.
  • There is no heavy logic in Go, hence there are not too many places for tests.
  • Will add tests to the make, in the aim to integrate testing into the build process.
  • Checked functionality from the master branch. There is a request GetReceipts, which returns empty receipts instead of the requested value.
  • Participated in the Burrow PR optimization
  • Created tasks for potential mentee for interview

Action items