


Discussion items

Andrei Lebedev
  • Igor Egorov helped with reviewing PRs
    • Will merge reviewed PRs today
  • Merged PR request with fixes for Windows builds
  • Mikhail Boldyrev  checked comments for the PR with the environment variables
  • Will continue working with the benchmark for the storage performance measurements
    • I am reusing part of the testing framework, hence it helps a lot.
    • Tomorrow the benchmark for the single command will work 
    • Currently, the benchmark is running in manual mode
  • Still have the requests of the documentation of the configuration of Iroha.
  • Next week we will need to present a quarterly update to the TSC. I will prepare the base and we will need to finish it on Monday. 
  • I am going to play with Iroha 2 and try to fix some things.
    • There were some compiler errors related to the outdated library
  • Igarashi is working with Rust now, and going to also join the development team.

Action items
