

Discussion items

  • Discussed difficulties with Burrow-related query
  • Fixed PRs which was reviewed by Andrey
  • Found the reason for issue with the network on the longevity stand
    • The issue is related to the GRPC implementation and timeouts. There are no obvious elegant solutions for this issue, hence we will need to find a workaround.
  • Will help Sara with Mutlihash documentation
  • There are some parts of Burrow which are not covered with autotests (storage, queries)
  • However, the major part which is working according to the report from Eugene
  • Finished review of Burrow documentation
    • There is not finished list of Errors, Andrey can help with that question
  • Tried to build the last version of Burrow, there were some changes in Go code.
  • The query is still not working, we need to continue research
    • Alexander Lednev > We need to know about the issues with the query as soon as possible.
  • Will continue testing Burrow, it works now with issues in GetEngineReceipts query
  • Fixed bug in GetEngineReceipts query
  • Reviewed documentation
  • Reviewed maintenance endpoint
  • Get floating bug with MST on Mac. We have found some related problems before, but the problem itself was not repeated.
    • Initially, we decided to skip that issue and left it as the technical debt. It was in YAC.
    • Andrei Lebedev will add the description to Jira
  • Had a call with Mikhail, reviewed PR with reuse WSV. There was one point to change, and we need to create a list of technical-debt tasks.
  • Mikhail will fix the issue and then we will review it again.
  • Reviewed fix on consensus voting, ready to merge
  • Continued with the review of Burrow code.
  • Fixing issues in documentation, which was reported by the team: small issues in configuration
  • Will create documentation about Multihash with Mikhail
  • Arrived list of SNE internship students

Action items
