Thank you for the opportunity! It was an excellent experience for me. I have been to community events before. But this was the first very technical one. Such events should be conducted more often to help the community grow and mature. We should have more maintainers on standby for such events. As the community matures, there would be more contributors in such events. To have their ready fixes, more maintainers would be needed maybe remotely but on standby.

For helping session leaders, we should be having some survey with the attendees. For example - What sessions they might be interested in? If they already know something what is their level of expertise? This could help session leaders organize sessions well and reap the maximum benefits for all.

Overall, this was a great event towards driving community for Hyperledger.

Rajeev Ranjan

Software Developer , Intel Corporation India

Hyperledger Sawtooth contributor


Really appreciate it. Happy to be there to talk to people who care about Hyperledger. Thanks a lot.
Tong Li
IBM Open Technology

Hyperledger Cello contributor


Thank you so much for the organization of such an inspiring event! It was a pleasure for me to participate, to share my knowledge and to communicate with many people who are interested in Hypeledger Iroha and all Hyperledger projects in general.

Vadim Reutskiy

Project manager ,Soramitsa

Hyperledger Iroha maintainer


We had a great time!

CTO, Sovrin Foundation

Hyperledger Indy maintainer


The inaugural Global Hyperledger Bootcamp event at Hong Kong Cyberport was a great success. Well attended by a good mix of technical experts, business executives and open source advocates. As one of the fastest growing software initiatives, it is important for all attendees to bring their practical experience and share them openly, which the unconference format was well suited for and achieved. Enticing attendees to contribute at all levels, from document translation to bug-fixing, will help to drive the project forward.

A year ago, Hyperledger Fabric was the main topic of most Hyperledger events, it was encouraging to see so many newly incubating projects represented at the event. For me, it was useful to learn about Hyperledger Indy as a next generation ID&V solution, Hyperledger Ursa as an industry wide cryptographic library and Hyperledger Sawtooth as an alternative permissionless blockchain. Hyperledger Grid, Hyperledger Caliper, Rust, Cargo and many more exciting topics will certainly keep my team’s learning schedule busy in 2019!

Thanks again for organizing the event and I am looking forward to future opportunities to not only attend and learn but bring my dev team to contribute back to the Hyperledger family.

Edward Tsang, CTO, Techrock & Taelpay (Hyperledger member)


I was so excited at the prospect of attending the Hyperledger Bootcamp and I was not disappointed.  It was great to see a full house on the first morning and the friendly atmosphere was self-evident when you look at the range of options for beginners as well as experienced coders.  The Hyperledger portfolio had grown even more with the additions of Ursa and Grid, but I really wanted to find out more about Caliper.  My initial plan had been to float between the camps and sample lots of different tech.  However, I started loading up Caliper and soon ran into lots of installation problems.  I had blindly used “cut and paste” to follow the installation instructions but I realised that I did not understand what was happening at all.  Hence, I could not locate the problems with my installation.  I felt frustrated and immediately thought that the problems were due to my personal laptop setup and configuration.  That night, I went home and deleted my operating system so that I could start with a fresh installation of ubuntu.  Unfortunately, I had several partitions on my hard drive already, and the latest ubuntu installation corrupted my GRUB (the boot selection file).  So, my laptop did not boot at all.  I tried to delete ubuntu and install again but the result was the same.  I Googled this problem and realised that I had to manually rewrite the configuration file in order to at least boot up.  After a lot of deleting and reinstalling, I managed to get a clean ubuntu to install Caliper.  After following the Caliper installation instructions again, the same error messages appeared and I had not resolved any of the previous problems.  At least I could conclude that the errors were not due to my setup.  After a few hours of sleep, I went to the Caliper group the next morning to explain my situation.  They spent the whole morning trying to fix the errors and I eventually managed to run Caliper on my stock version of ubuntu.  As with my previous experiences with blockchain software, I always get installation problems (usually due to permission problems and broken dependencies).  I suggested to the group that an absolute beginner would not be able to successfully load Caliper.  I wanted to find ways to bridge this gap and my frequent reinstalling of ubuntu led me to think about a “live USB” version of Caliper where beginners can play within a preconfigured sandbox.  Also, I wanted an explanation for each element within each line of the Caliper installation commands.  Some commands were well known to veteran coders but archaic software like VIM is a nightmare for beginners because it is completely driven by keyboard shortcuts. I hope to revamp the Caliper installation documentation to become more beginner-friendly. The Bootcamp had piqued my enthusiasm for Hyperledger and, after it had ended, I wanted to participate even more. That night, I joined in a teleconference with the Hyperledger Working Group and they were working on documenting the Privacy and Confidentiality issues with each platform within Hyperledger. Caliper needed assessment and I have volunteered to help write that section. There are endless ways to help more and my Hyperledger journey had just begun.

Kent Lau, PhD.

March 2019


Thanks for all organizers, session leaders and community leads for your contribution to Hyperledger Bootcamp. As a beginner, I enjoyed my days in the event and learned a lot from all the contributors' sharing and offline discussions. For those who are leaving Hong Kong in the coming days, take care and safe trip.

Connie YUEN, Lecturer, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong


非常开心能来参加这次Hyperledger Bootcamp,这个活动举办的非常好,在这里见到了开源社区的大牛,也有其他来自世界各地对Hyperledger感兴趣的朋友们,通过交流与学习,深切的感受到了开源精神和极客文化,同时也跟着项目leader学习到了怎样一步步的提交代码,解决bug,为开源社区做贡献。并且社区大牛也很耐心的解答了我在平时开发中遇到的问题。总之,这次Bootcamp收获很多,感谢Hyperledger社区和Linux基金会!

北京众享比特科技有限公司 研发工程师 李鑫


“I was very happy to be here to participate in the Hyperledger Bootcamp. This event was very good! I connect with overseas fellow developers, meet the top technical minds in the open source community and other developers from around the world who are interested in Hyperledger. Through these 2 days learning, I deeply feel the Open Source Spirituality and geek culture. With the help from session leaders, I learned how to submit code step by step, fix bugs and contribute to the open source community. Session leaders, maintainers and contributors patiently answered the questions I encountered and helped me to solve technical issues in hands-on sessions. In short, I learned a lot at this Bootcamp, thanks to the Hyperledger community and the Linux Foundation! ”

Li Xin, R&D Engineer, Global Peersafe (Hyperledger member)


这个event非常棒!作为Hyperledger应用开发者,非常感谢Hyperledger Cello项目的@baohua @李彤 , Hyperledger Caliper项目的@潘瑜 @hurf, 与他们和其它参会人士的交流 帮助我澄清了 以前不清楚的细节。同时也非常感谢@龙文选促成了我们这次近距离接触Hyperledger项目及所有Hyperledger项目成员的机会,同时也感谢@Silona @Julian Gordon@Hyperldger @Dorothy Hyperledger MKT n PR及所有bootcamp organizers,谢谢你们! It's appreciated to all developers of Hyperledger frameworks, we are unable to carry out our project without your great work.  



“This event was great! As a Hyperledger app developer, I am very grateful for the help from a couple of people -  Baohua Yang and Tong Li, Hyperledger Cello contributors; Pan Yu, and Victor Hu, the Hyperledger Caliper contributors. I had opportunities to learn from other participants which helped me to solve some technical issues, meet with many Hyperledger project maintainers and contributors. Thank you Hyperledger bootcamp organizer!
It's appreciated to all developers of Hyperledger frameworks, we are unable to carry out our project without your great work. ”

Project manager, Transfar Co. LTD, a subsidiary of China Comservice


“First of all, it was a great event; I loved to see the collaborations between different projects. However, there were some things that I would wish for improvement. 1. Some sessions were only conducted in Mandarin, and some of us couldn't understand. 2. It would have been better if there was a session or a workshop between business development too, as it was a bit technical.”

Steve Tay, Foundation Representative director, Bezant (Hyperledger member)



Thoughts on Hyperledger Bootcamp by the organiser of Hyperledger Hong Kong Community

As the organiser of the Hyperledger community in Hong Kong, I have been very fortunate to witness that the community has grown to over 900 individual members since last year. I was born in Hong Kong and over the last couple of years, we have seen companies exploring and implementing blockchain technologies in different industries, including trade finance, supply chain, etc. We strongly believe for Hong Kong as a city to stay relevant and remain competitive, we need to understand blockchain as a technology to the most fundamental level or even better contributing to those open source technologies. 

As a developer myself, I find blockchain might not be the easiest technology to get started. It often involves more advanced concepts in computer science, such as, cryptography, distributed system, virtual machine, etc. When I was invited by the Linux Foundation last year to help in leading the community in Hong Kong, I was so excited because I strongly believe as a community, we can all help each other along the journey.  

I want to take this chance to thank all of our members in our community and all the organisations who have supported us. We have hosted different kind of sessions last year including Hyperledger business use cases, Hyperledger Fabric architecture, Hyperledger Fabric deployment using Kubernetes, Hyperledger Sawtooth, Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Qulit. We even hosted hands-on coding session and formed a study group in studying the two Hyperledger certifications on Fabric and Sawtooth released in Jan 2019 by the Linux Foundation.  

Through those activities, we have grown the community to over 900 members and since there isn’t any cryptocurrency involved in Hyperledger, most of us are developers or business professionals who are interested in use cases of blockchain technology. When we learnt about the first Hyperledger bootcamp taking place in Hong Kong, all of us are very excited. The bootcamp has been over subscribed and we have a waiting list of over 100 people. 

Blockchain is a relatively new field and for Hyperledger, there are 12 projects under the umbrella. Often for many of us who want to get involved in this space, this is not straight forward for us to see where to go. Thank you so much for all the maintainers and contributors coming to Hong Kong, this bootcamp provided a perfect for many of us to get started. As a result, we are very glad to see some of our community members contributing to the documentation or even making their first commit and pull request to a Hyperledger project! 

Hong Kong is an international finance centre, which finance is an industry which many companies are driving blockchain adoption. And for myself as the organiser of the community in Hong Kong, I got to discuss with Hyperledger maintainers in person on applications built on top of their projects and that has been very beneficial for us too. 

This particular bootcamp has been designed to be “a bootcamp in box” meaning we hope to run that again, either that is another time in Hong Kong or in other locations in the world, or even remotely. If you are reading this article and you want to get involved with open source blockchain technologies, such as Hyperledger, I urge you to start in taking actions. You can get on to the rocket chat, participate in the Hyperledger Industry Special Internet Group, join a local Hyperledger community in your city and if that doesn’t exist, start one, or reach out to the Linux Foundation to see if we can run a bootcamp is your city. 

Hope to see you soon in the Hyperledger community. 


Edmund To, Organiser of the Hyperledger Community Hong Kong


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