
Basic Info

10AM~11AM, Wednesday, Bi-weekly (GMT+8)

Antitrust Policy Notice

On-duty chair:  Jay Guo




  1. TSC meetings sync

  2. Team development and Innovation (@Dijun Liu, Zhangjiong Xuan , David Liu , )

    1. fabric 1.4.1 rc raft,  2.0.0 alpha
  3. Team i18n and Education (lidong guo )

    1. Mutli-Language Support Proposal, welcome to comment Multi-Language Support Proposal (Zhenhua Zhao )
  4. Team Collaboration and Scenarios (Dorothy Cheng )

    1. Contribution Stats (Scott Long Zhangjiong Xuan )
  5. Bootcamp report
  6. Team Event Organization (Jay Guo , Zhenhua Zhao )

    1. Meetup guideline

    2. Meetups for April.

      1. Beijing: April 27th

      2. Shanghai: April 20th

      3. Changsha: Date TBD

      4. Hangzhou: April 27th
      5. HongKong: April 24th, Iroha