This page takes questions from Developer Survey Questions and Accenture DCI Questions in an attempt to develop a Survey that the DCI WG would like to present to the larger Hyperledger Community. The survey has the following goals:

  1. Understand how the Hyperledger Community is doing in regards to Diversity, Civility, and Inclusion (See Section 1 questions)
  2. Understand interaction experiences (See Section 2 questions)
  3. Understand who is part of the Hyperledger Community (See Section 3 questions)

Survey Introduction

Welcome to the Hyperledger Community Survey. Your input here will be extremely valuable to help Hyperledger to understand and benchmark sentiments in the community around the various topics below. We are very grateful for your time and participation and hope that you will see the impact of your input over the course of the next year as we respond to the survey's output. there are few terms and concepts that we'd like to make sure we define so that you can keep it in mind as you proceed through the questions:


Section 1: Diversity, Civility, and Inclusion (DCI) within Hyperledger

1a) How important is gender diversity to you?

1b) How important is regional diversity to you?

1c) How important is civility to you?

1d) How important is inclusion to you?

1e) Which of the following have you done (select all that apply)

1f) In the past year, have you felt that gender diversity was valued and demonstrated in your interactions, events with the Hyperledger community?

1g) In the past year, was a gender diverse community something you felt or observed within the Hyperledger community?

1h) In the past year, have you felt that regional diversity was valued and demonstrated in your interactions, events with the Hyperledger community?

1i) In the past year, was a regionally diverse community something you felt or observed within the Hyperledger community?

1j) In the past year, have you felt that civility was valued and demonstrated in your interactions, events with the Hyperledger community?

1k) In the past year, was a civil community something you felt or observed within the Hyperledger community?

1l) In the past year, have you felt that inclusion was valued and demonstrated in your interactions, events with the Hyperledger community?

1m) In the past year, was an inclusive community something you felt or observed within the Hyperledger community?

Section 2: Community Interactions

2a) Provide your feedback on the Hyperledger community meetings (only show if attended a Hyperledger Community Meeting)

QuestionStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeI'm not sure

The timing of the community meetings makes it difficult for me to participate

It is difficult to find agenda or meeting information

Meetings are not inclusive for new participants

2b) I feel that at community meetings people listen to each other and are respectful (only show if attended a Hyperledger Community Meeting)

2c) Provide your feedback on the Hyperledger chat channels (only show if participated on Hyperledger Chat channels) 

QuestionStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeI'm not sure

Many questions go unanswered

Questions are quickly responded to

The asynchronous nature of the Hyperledger chat allows me to participate in the community

Finding the right channel is difficult

2d) I feel like people on Chat listen to each other and are respectful (only show if participated on Hyperledger Chat channels)

2e) Provide your feedback on the Hyperledger mailing lists (only show if read or sent email to the Hyperledger mailing lists) 

QuestionStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeI'm not sure

Many emails go unanswered

Emails are quickly responded to

The asynchronous nature of the Hyperledger mailing lists allows me to participate in the community

Finding the right mailing list is difficult

2f) I feel like people on mailing lists listen to each other and are respectful (only show if read or sent email to the Hyperledger mailing lists)

2g) Provide your feedback on the code contribution process (only show if code contribution has been made

QuestionStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeI'm not sure

Finding a bug to work on is hard

The change/pull request process is hard to understand

Responses to change/pull request are constructive

Change/pull requests are quickly responded to

Change/pull request are quickly merged in

I would make a future change/pull request again

2h) What Hyperledger events have you attended (select all that apply) (only show if attended a Hyperledger event)

2i) I feel like people at events listen to each other and are respectful (only show if attended a Hyperledger event)

2j) I was able to meet people from all of the Hyperledger projects (only show if attended a Hyperledger event)

2k) All Hyperledger projects were included in the agenda (only show if attended a Hyperledger event)

2l) I was able to meet people from a wide variety of cultures (only show if attended a Hyperledger event)

2m) I feel the female ratio at the event was (only show if attended a Hyperledger event)

Section 3: Community Profile

3a) Where are you located (country)? 

3b) Please select your age range.

3c) What gender do you identify with?

3d) What is your sexual orientation?

3e) What is your race or origin? (select all that apply)

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