
The mentorship aims to enhance the user interface design of Hyperledger Explorer. Collaboratively, the mentee and mentor will develop fresh user flows, wireframes, style guides, and high-fidelity mockups. The objective is to craft a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, simplifying user interactions with Hyperledger Explorer.


Jayasimha Prasad 

Arun S M  

Ravi Pratap Singh


Deepika S R 

Timeline Template 




Est. Time of Completion


Onboard & Ramp-up

end of JuneOnboarding and Learning/Ramp Up

end of July

Monthly Checkpoint

  •  1st quarter mentee evaluation

end of August

Monthly Checkpoint

Midterm mentee evaluation

end of September

Monthly Checkpoint

end of October

 3rd quarter mentee evaluation

  • Improved Documentation
  • Add the tutorial on deployment

end of November

Monthly Checkpoint

 final mentee evaluation


Global Meetup: Demo and Showcase

(align to The Linux Foundation's timelines)


June 12 - June 14
Onboarding, Mentor-Mentee Interaction


June 15 - July 07

Onboarding and Learning/Ramp Up

Getting familiar with Blockchain concepts, Blockchain Explorer.

July 08 - July 24
Starting with user research, getting familiar with more research methods, and as well as Hyperledger Fabric.COMPLETED

July 25 - July 31

Monthly Checkpoint 1st quarter mentee evaluation

Conduct user research with Hyperledger users both quantitative and qualitative. Also, conduct competitive analysis.


August 01 - August 15
Studying the data and analyzing the problem. Creating user personas, empathy maps and customer journey map.


August 15 - August 31

Monthly Checkpoint

 Midterm mentee evaluation

Create user stories and do Card sorting then create an information architecture.
Getting started with user flows and generating user flows


September 01 - September 20
Creating wireframes and along with conducting useability studies.


September 21 - October 10

Monthly Checkpoint  

Generating style guides and documentation
October 11 - November 15

 3rd quarter mentee evaluation

Starting with HiFi mockups and secondary usability study
November 15 - November 30

Monthly Checkpoint

 final mentee evaluation

Creation of presentation and wrap-up


DatePurposeMinutes/SummaryAction ItemsRemarks on Action Items


Progress Meet

  1. Progress Update

    • Competitive analysis completed.
    • User survey form responses were analyzed, and user goals and pain points were generated.
  2. Summarised Previous Month Activities

  3. Feature Ideas for Explorer Website

    • Arun S M shared his suggestions on features for the Explorer website.
  4. Hyperledger Firefly UI Discussion

    • Plan to set up a call with someone from Firefly's design team to discuss UI aspects.
  5. Mentee Explorer Familiarization

    • Deepika S R is asked to install and set up the explorer and become familiar with its functionalities in real time.
  6. Group Feedback Call

    • Plan to conduct a group feedback call with developers/maintainers familiar with Hyperledger Explorer to gather in-person feedback on design aspects.
  • Explorer Familiarization Deepika S R 
  • Group Feedback call
  • Call with Firefly UI design team 
We're in the process of coordinating our schedules to match up and facilitate the call.


UX bi-weekly call with Likitha
  1. Progress update:

    • Competitive analysis completed.
    • User survey form responses were analyzed, and user goals and pain points were generated.
  2. Insights and Discussion:

    • Likitha introduced her colleague, Vasudha Sudheendra, who also provided insights and feedback on the work done. 
    • Likitha shared valuable tips on creating user flows and empathy maps

        • Task Assignments for This Week:
          • Deepika: Create personas, empathy map, customer journey map.
        • Task Assignments for Next Week:
          • Deepika: User stories, storyboarding, user flow, card sorting.
  • Create personas
  • Develop empathy maps
  • Craft a customer journey map
  • Work on user stories
  • Create storyboards
  • Design user flows
  • Participate in card sorting


Progress Meet
  1. Progress Update:

    • Successfully completed personas, empathy maps, and user journey maps.
    • Clearly defined goals and pain points.
    • Discussed the latest update on explorer familiarization. 
    • Arun expressed interest about getting involved in the card sorting activity.
    • Discussed about the documentation of the project
  • Create a confluence sub page and post all the artifacts created for the project.

Not scheduled yetCard Sorting Activity


Progress Review Meet
  1. Presentation of  work done:

    • Deepika presented the progress she has made on her current tasks.
  2. Feedback and Improvement Points:

    • Jay shared valuable constructive feedback on Deepika's work, highlighting areas that need improvement.
    • Likitha also provided feedback and suggestions for further enhancing the work.
  • Deepika S R Refine the goals by creating groups from the existing ones.  
  • Deepika S R   After refinement, implement necessary changes in the completed activities.
  • Deepika S R  Further categorize the cards in the grouped section of card sorting.
  • Deepika S R  Generate Information Architecture and User Flow.
  • Deepika S R   Create wireframes for major screens.

To view the files which were created during the project timeline

Click here to view

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