Part 2 of a two day Financial Services Besu Workshop.
Today's workshop has 2 parts:
1. An introduction to Hyperledger Besu for developers
2. How to contribute, meet the maintainers, and get more involved + Roadmap
An Introduction to Hyperledger Besu for Developers
Workshop description:
Technical presentation for developers giving a high level overview of Besu and hands-on getting started.
Antoine Toulme from Splunk
Presentation Deck Part 1:
Presentation Deck Part 2:
How to contribute, meet the maintainers, and get more involved + Roadmap
Workshop description:
Presentation + Q&A on the current state of Besu, where Besu is going and how to get involved
Matt Nelson
Presentation Deck:
Monday 3/20 Event Presentations:
Conor Svenson, Web3 Labs:
Vipin Bharathan -
Bruno Reded Tinoco - UDPN - GFT: