Call Time: 30min Bi-Weekly Fr 10:00-10:25 Berlin Time

  • Next meeting: 2023-05-26 10:00-10:25 (Berlin time)

(info) Call Link:


The Minutes of the first meetings (before the first one documented here in confluence) can be found here:

Meeting Agendas and Notes

2023-05-12 Indy Container Meeting #54

  • Indy Release 1.13
  • Network Upgrades
  • Future of this workgroup

2023-04-28 Indy Container Meeting #53

  • Controller upgrade fix 
  • rc6 test image
  • Release build

2023-03-31 Indy Container Meeting #52

  • Controller upgrade fix 
  • rc5 test image
  • Solving minor problems in MRs

2023-02-03 Indy Container Meeting #52

  • Controller upgrade fix 
  • rc5 test image
  • Solving minor problems in MRs

2023-01-27 Indy Container Meeting #51

  • Improved CI + Tags PR: finished
  • Controller upgrade fix: merged
  • Planning 2023: No big projects from our side planned

2022-12-09 Indy Container Meeting #50

  • Improved CI + Tags PR
  • Finally merged old logging PR
  • Minor issues

2022-11-25 Indy Container Meeting #49

  • Improved CI + Tags PR
  • Controller
  • Container Tagging

2022-11-17 Indy Container Meeting #48

  • Improved CI + Tags PR
  • Controller
  • Container Tagging

2022-11-10 Indy Container Meeting #47

  • Improved CI + Tags PR
  • Controller
  • Container Tagging

2022-10-28 Indy Container Meeting #46

  • Network connectivity script
  • Node Controlle
  • Improved CI + Tags

2022-10-14 Indy Container Meeting #45

  • IP Tables scripts
  • Node Controlle
  • Container build from smaller images and tagging

2022-09-16 Indy Container Meeting #44

  • IP Tables scripts
  • Node Controlle
  • Container build from smaller images

2022-09-01 Indy Container Meeting #43

  • Controller issues
  • Indy Node Upgrade
  • Meeting time

2022-08-18 Indy Container Meeting #42

  • Controller issues fixed, new release
  • SBOM
  • Logging

2022-08-12 Indy Container Meeting #41

  • Indy Node Controller Image
  • DevOps Scripts
  • Christian's Load Tester

2022-08-04 Indy Container Meeting #40

  • Short meeting
  • Holidays (Summer) + Meeting time change (Calender sync problems)
  • No detailed minutes avaiable

2022-06-10 Indy Container Meeting #39

  • Change Meeting Time (US friendly)
  • Test Network Setyp
  • Reproduce Consensus Issues

2022-04-29 Indy Container Meeting #38

  • Tooling
  • Productive Setup
  • Logging

2022-04-08 Indy Container Meeting #37

  • Tooling
  • Productive Setup
  • Logging

2022-03-25 Indy Container Meeting #36

  • Tooling
  • Productive Setup
  • Logging

2022-03-18 Indy Container Meeting #35

  • Github Forks
  • Logging
  • Trivy Scan → ID Union Slack Notifications

2022-03-04 Indy Container Meeting #34

  • Upstream Contribution
  • Debian Images
  • Logging

  • No labels