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  1. Idea sheet (In Onedrive): https://1drv.ms/w/s!Am3ZbGQdRa7sgY-1Igp5xO2fZHxwg_I?e=a60Ta4

    1. Recycling and composting rewards
    2. Hazardous and toxic material tracking
    3. Government tax credits
    4. Supply chain certification

    Recycling and composting rewards

    • Recycling - focusing on common household recyclables (cardboard, paper, plastics, glass, and aluminum). 
    • Composting - focusing on organic material and composting rewards (residential and commercial).
    • Linking brands and consumers to remove the burden off of government. 

    Hazardous and toxic material tracking

    • Tracking dangerous materials from the point of purchase because they can't be disposed of in the trash or recycling. 
    • Creating deposits and

    Government tax credits

    • These tax credits will focus on businesses and organizations to expedite the adoption of recycling programs and infrastructure. spurred and operated from private partnerships. 
    • Currently, there are laws across the US mandating the private sector to have recycling programs, but they are not validated or enforced. By using tax credits and certifying on an ongoing basis the recycling programs of businesses, credits for waste diversion can be dispersed. 

    Supply chain certification

    • Certifications by independent parties can verify the amount of materials brands create compared to the amount of materials that they recapture. 
    • These certifications can be increase brand recognition and the overall increases in recycled feedstock.