Basic Intro Script - 2-5 mins long

1) Intro yourself - 30 secs

  • Nathan George, Identity Project contributor, TSC Member
  • Stephen Curran, Maintainer of Aries-CloudAgent-Python, Author of EdX course

2) Intro to Aries - 60 seconds

  • Aries provides client tools for blockchains
    • Wallets and Secrets Management
    • Encrypted Messaging
    • Signing and Submitting Transactions
    • Edge Protocol Support
  • 1.0 Interop Profile Work
    • Aries RFCs
    • Standardization across blockchains needing identity-related solutions

3) Why does this matter and what is it useful for? - 30 seconds

  • Use cases for Aries
    • BCGov's work
    • Sovrin Network use cases

4) How to get Involved - 30 secs

  • Following along with the work
    • Identity WG Implementers Call
  • Aries contributors calls
  • Upcoming work that is interesting
    • Aries SDK work
    • CredEx upgrades
    • Hardware security and DKMS
  • Emails
  • Wiki
    • Most of our activities are planned using the wiki as our central collaboration tool
    • Look for meeting notes
  • Rocket chat
    • Like much of the rest of HL we also use for quick discussions and sharing ideas
    • Describe  channels of interest #aries, #aries-interop

5) Ask a question for the Commenters on Youtube→ - 10 secs

  • What other community are you a part of?
  • How can we welcome your community into HL?
  • How can we introduce you to other people from your community already here at HL?
  • No labels