
Improving stability and usage of Hyperledger Labs library Nephos.

Add support for Fabric 1.4, RAFT Ordering Service , Multi Channel and Multi Organisation.


  • General understanding of the library and usages
  • Contributions to issues labeled with Good First Issue
  • Support for multiple organizations
  • Support for multiple Channels
  • Issues #27 #29 #12 #13

  • Support for Fabric 1.4
  • Support for RAFT Ordering Service / TLS
  • Medium article on Improvements Nephos
  • Final Demo / Presentation


Week 3

  • General understanding of the library and usages
  • Initial contributions to issues labeled with Good First Issue

Week 6

  • Support for multiple Organizations
  • Support for multiple Channels

Week 9

  • Issue #27

  • Issue #12

  • Issue #13

  • Support for Fabric 1.4

Week 12

  • Support for RAFT Ordering Service / TLS
  • Medium article on Improvements Nephos
  • Final Demo / Presentation

Evaluation Criteria

  • Nephos Improvements (40%)
    Fixed issues, overall general improvements of codebase and usage of Nephos
  • General Dev Guidelines (30%)
    Quality of code, test and documentation
  • Communication (30%)
    Clarify any doubts, participation adding inputs, opinions or suggestion during team meetings


  • Quarter basis review according to Hyperledger Internship Programme schedule
  • Internal standup and updates:
    • Weekly planning on tasks
    • Daily Standup to update on progress
    • Bi-weekly review and retrospective
  • No labels