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Comment: Added recording







  • Note: No one wanted to be introduced.
15 minPull-request about Karma+Webpack based browser tests (PR#245)Peter
  • Abstract: Peter prepared a plan of browser tests of the common package.
  • Discussion point: Questions about Cactus's role happened.  Cactus is a server-side application, not client-side.
20 minManual consortium plugin (PR#242)Peter
  • Abstract: Peter prepared a plan of manual consortium plugin
  • Discussion point: Who is the consortium members of consortium plugin?
  • Note: Shingo proposed the following material (The conclusion is discussed with this topic)
20 minFederation on blockchain integrated service related to the topic (PR#242)Shingo
  • Abstract: Shingo prepared a plan of federation of blockchain integrated service.
    View file
    page2020-08-10 Meeting notes
  • Discussion point: The function (registry for trustworthy validators) is almost similar to consortium plugin as Peter proposed. The difference is where is the trust point.  The registry should not be admin's one. 
  • Consensus:  The discussion continues to the next week.
5 minAcademic paper: current contributors, initial ideasMany
  • Consensus:  We should design the Cactus architecture at first.  After this, we will summarize the output to academic paper.

PR DiscussionPeter/Many
  • Note: Meeting time is over then this is postponed to the next week.

Action items
