Versions Compared


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TSC Invasion:

GROUP SIGs and WGTSC Member  /Guest SpeakerTOPICAdded to TSC Agenda (date)

Diversity and Inclusion


Learning Materials11/29/2021Educational Opps and Weekly Events
Performance and Scale

Technical China

Capital Markets



Public Sector12/3/2021Whitepaper to map Blockchain efforts.
Social Impact

11/9/2021 Bobbi

11/22/2021 Bobbi


Social Impact Hackathon

Metaverse Demonstration

Rutgers Blockchain

Supply Chain


Trade Finance12/8/2021DAML  lecture

Climate Action Attribute reporting 



Schemas and Standards

Attribute reporting
Semantics:  SOSA -core ontology

Offset Systems

Meetup Group Session11/18/202 BobbiBlockchain EmploymentMarket Yourself  Career Fair 12/2
Lab PresentationsSowank RoyBlockchain Automation Framework.November 4, 2021 Looking for Name suggestions. SPROUT?
Mentorship Presentations:11/15 and 11/17 Bobbi

Special Interest and Working Groups VIDEO LIBRARY

Template to use for your SIG bi-annual report. Please edit as needed.

  • Special Interest Group
  • Report Author(s)
  • ABC-SIG Overall Health
  • Issues and Challenges
  • Overall Activity in the last 6 months
  • Planned Work Products
  • Participant Diversity
  • Additional Information 
  • Date Published






The following is a suggested template to use for your SIG bi-annual report. Please edit as needed.

Special Interest Group

Report Author(s)

ABC-SIG Overall Health

Issues and Challenges

Overall Activity in the last 6 months

Planned Work Products

Participant Diversity

Additional Information 

Date Published










Public Sector


Social Impact






Trade Finance


Quarterly SIG Best Practice Call


Every 3 months from 1pm to 2pm on the first Monday Eastern Time - New York

Where (map)


TSC (Tracy) and Sig chairs meeting . 

Dear Bobbi

Thanks for today's call.
As announced, I have already undergone a collaboration with Capital Markets SIG on a joint meeting on March 24th which turned out to be successful.
Following the positive experience, I have set up a call tomorrow at 6pm CET with Tom Klein, Marco Carvalho, Supply Chain SIG's chairs, to explore the possibility of having a joint meeting with them.
I firmly believe that, thanks to the mixed nature of Trade Finance, the SIG I chair shall act in the future as a catalyst in order to gather the SIGs and share some insights and updates on the on-going trends.


Andrea Frosinini

Hyperledger Trade Finance SIG – Chair

+39 348013698




Capital Markets


Climate Action


Education Architecture




Public Sector


Social Impact


Supply Chain




Trade Finance

12/10  Vipin Bharathan
Most of the work the Capital Markets SIG has been doing is in envisioning the integration of tokenized digital assets with payment rails in the creation of digital capital markets. CMSIG does this through discussion of the latest trends in CBDCs, tokenization of bonds, equities and other financial instruments, business modeling languages for ledger independence etc. CMSIG helped launch a lab in which created a wholesale CBDC using TTF standards and implemented the CBDC on Hyperledger Besu. Many ideas have come together on this project, including the modeling of roles for achieving regulatory compliance, digital wallets etc. Next year CMSIG plans to explore message based interoperability for settlement as the dlts that house the assets and the payments are bound to be different. Also in the works are confidential computing and MPC as wallet strategies for enterprises. The eThaler code from the labs is being generalized into other types of tokens like Carbon tokens. Bridges to IWA and FinOS are also being built.   

Emission token network that can be used to track and trade utilities emissions. 

  • Emissions audit - represents the actual emissions of an organization, as reported by an auditor.  
  • Carbon offsets - represents reduction of emissions through projects such as forestry, sequestration, etc.  
  • Renewable Energy Certificates 

Utilities bills get emission number and go buy renewable energy tokens......

Works similar to  CBCD

more that one authority mints tokens, auditor of projects w ould mint tokens for network. Then those people register thier customer trade and transfer emisions offset with each other. Currencies can be burn emission d



Bank of Thailand:

The topic was the creation of Cordite to XDC to DASL, presented by Richard Crook, Director and co-founder of


The recordings (both audio and video) as well as Richard's deck are available on the meeting site.
Vipin Bharathan

Presentation, BSN & DCEP The present and Future of Chinese Blockchain efforts and CBDC  10/21

Intro to Hyperledger CMSIG.pdf
Tokenization/Digital Currency

12/10 Si Chen posted article: Video: Fighting Climate Change with Blockchain and Open Source

11/23 Great call determining Did roles in Climate accounting network Structure. Capital Market token will work for carbon accounting credits.

Open Climate Collabathon - Global Event

#RadicalCollaboration | Hyperledger CA2 SIG leading a working group at Open Climate Collabathon

Different Wiki?

Carbon Accounting and Certification WG

Si Chen John Hartley

Here's a summary and recording of today's peer programming call:

We're going to be building out a client app to interface with
the ledger and then looking at it moving forward to deploy it.

Martin E. Wainstein
collaborating on major aspects for an integrated climate accounting system. 

Nov 17th Using Open Source to Transform Our Power Grid


Feng Hou


Sub groups: Patient, Payer, Interoperability

HC-SIG - Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup:
Blockchain Article Citations

The Hyperledger Public Sector SIG welcomes Liz Tanner, Director of the Department of Business Regulation in Rhode Island, to provide her insights on Digital Transformation in Government and her leading-edge project on Self-Sovereign Identity and Credentials.

The meeting is Friday, July 2nd at 10 am EDT.

For details, click here.

Feb 12th - NSF-Treasury Grants Payment Proof of Concept

210212-NSF-payments-Craig-Fisher-FIT DLT Project 2021.2.11.pdf


Group is working on Reaching out past hyperledger, Visit Social Impact Group linkedin and twitter accounts.

11/24 December is Social Impact Month so we will do blog posts by sector. ...Need to write a blog for the Giving Chain

Nancy Min Marc Liberati UN Working on blog posts. Amelia will speak after elections

Working on Blog Series on Social Impact Use Cases

Cisco Solution using fabric to track and trace

Marco Carvalho, Tom Klein

View file

Vipin Rathi, Sunay Zelawat


Decentralized 5G Marketplaces based on Hyperledger Fabric

Presentation 11/19

Andrea Frosinini

Paving the future of International trade and trade finance

Presentation  Telecom 11/19  5G

Image Removed

January 4, 2021

From Tracy Kuhrt to Everyone: 01:31 PM
From David Boswell to Everyone: 01:36 PM Feel free to post questions, thoughts of suggestions on the SIG Chair mailing list:
From Tracy Kuhrt to Everyone: 01:36 PM

Nancy , understand use case 

Supply chain and grid will have a future GS1 standards are being implemented IBM food trust us GS1 data to share data Origin trail , cross blockchain transfer of data. GS1 - 

Standards for SIGs Climate Action and other Sig have same standards. 

Time: 10:00am pacific



David Boswell

Karen Ottoni

Tom Klein

Bobbi Muscara

Alicia Noel

Nancy Min

Tracy Kuhrt

Bobbi Muscara

Anjon Roy

Vipin Rathi


  • Introductions
  • Discussion about how SIGs could use more support from the technical community and how SIGs could support the work on the Hyperledger projects
  • Other topics?

Standard Documentation for Special Interest Groups 










Public Sector


Social Impact






Trade Finance



TSC (Tracy) and Sig chairs meeting . 




Capital Markets


Climate Action


Education Architecture




Public Sector


Social Impact


Supply Chain




Trade Finance

12/10  Vipin Bharathan
Most of the work the Capital Markets SIG has been doing is in envisioning the integration of tokenized digital assets with payment rails in the creation of digital capital markets. CMSIG does this through discussion of the latest trends in CBDCs, tokenization of bonds, equities and other financial instruments, business modeling languages for ledger independence etc. CMSIG helped launch a lab in which created a wholesale CBDC using TTF standards and implemented the CBDC on Hyperledger Besu. Many ideas have come together on this project, including the modeling of roles for achieving regulatory compliance, digital wallets etc. Next year CMSIG plans to explore message based interoperability for settlement as the dlts that house the assets and the payments are bound to be different. Also in the works are confidential computing and MPC as wallet strategies for enterprises. The eThaler code from the labs is being generalized into other types of tokens like Carbon tokens. Bridges to IWA and FinOS are also being built.   

Emission token network that can be used to track and trade utilities emissions. 

  • Emissions audit - represents the actual emissions of an organization, as reported by an auditor.  
  • Carbon offsets - represents reduction of emissions through projects such as forestry, sequestration, etc.  
  • Renewable Energy Certificates 

Utilities bills get emission number and go buy renewable energy tokens......

Works similar to  CBCD

more that one authority mints tokens, auditor of projects w ould mint tokens for network. Then those people register thier customer trade and transfer emisions offset with each other. Currencies can be burn emission d



Bank of Thailand:

The topic was the creation of Cordite to XDC to DASL, presented by Richard Crook, Director and co-founder of


The recordings (both audio and video) as well as Richard's deck are available on the meeting site.
Vipin Bharathan

Presentation, BSN & DCEP The present and Future of Chinese Blockchain efforts and CBDC  10/21

Intro to Hyperledger CMSIG.pdf
Tokenization/Digital Currency

12/10 Si Chen posted article: Video: Fighting Climate Change with Blockchain and Open Source

11/23 Great call determining Did roles in Climate accounting network Structure. Capital Market token will work for carbon accounting credits.

Open Climate Collabathon - Global Event

#RadicalCollaboration | Hyperledger CA2 SIG leading a working group at Open Climate Collabathon

Different Wiki?

Carbon Accounting and Certification WG

Si Chen John Hartley

Here's a summary and recording of today's peer programming call:

We're going to be building out a client app to interface with
the ledger and then looking at it moving forward to deploy it.

Martin E. Wainstein
collaborating on major aspects for an integrated climate accounting system. 

Nov 17th Using Open Source to Transform Our Power Grid


Feng Hou


Sub groups: Patient, Payer, Interoperability

HC-SIG - Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup:
Blockchain Article Citations

Feb 12th - NSF-Treasury Grants Payment Proof of Concept

210212-NSF-payments-Craig-Fisher-FIT DLT Project 2021.2.11.pdf


Group is working on Reaching out past hyperledger, Visit Social Impact Group linkedin and twitter accounts.

11/24 December is Social Impact Month so we will do blog posts by sector. ...Need to write a blog for the Giving Chain

Nancy Min Marc Liberati UN Working on blog posts. Amelia will speak after elections

Working on Blog Series on Social Impact Use Cases

Cisco Solution using fabric to track and trace

Marco Carvalho, Tom Klein

View file

Vipin Rathi, Sunay Zelawat


Decentralized 5G Marketplaces based on Hyperledger Fabric

Presentation 11/19


Andrea Frosinini

Paving the future of International trade and trade finance

Presentation  Telecom 11/19  5G

Image Removed

January 4, 2021

From Tracy Kuhrt to Everyone: 01:31 PM
From David Boswell to Everyone: 01:36 PM Feel free to post questions, thoughts of suggestions on the SIG Chair mailing list:
From Tracy Kuhrt to Everyone: 01:36 PM

Nancy , understand use case 

Supply chain and grid will have a future GS1 standards are being implemented IBM food trust us GS1 data to share data Origin trail , cross blockchain transfer of data. GS1 - 

Standards for SIGs Climate Action and other Sig have same standards. 

Time: 10:00am pacific



David Boswell

Karen Ottoni

Tom Klein

Bobbi Muscara

Alicia Noel

Nancy Min

Tracy Kuhrt

Bobbi Muscara

Anjon Roy

Vipin Rathi


  • Introductions
  • Discussion about how SIGs could use more support from the technical community and how SIGs could support the work on the Hyperledger projects
  • Other topics?

Standard Documentation for Special Interest Groups 










Public Sector


Social Impact






Trade Finance


Quarterly SIG Best Practice Call


Every 3 months from 1pm to 2pm on the first Monday Eastern Time - New York

Where (map)


TSC (Tracy) and Sig chairs meeting . 

Dear Bobbi

Thanks for today's call.
As announced, I have already undergone a collaboration with Capital Markets SIG on a joint meeting on March 24th which turned out to be successful.
Following the positive experience, I have set up a call tomorrow at 6pm CET with Tom Klein, Marco Carvalho, Supply Chain SIG's chairs, to explore the possibility of having a joint meeting with them.
I firmly believe that, thanks to the mixed nature of Trade Finance, the SIG I chair shall act in the future as a catalyst in order to gather the SIGs and share some insights and updates on the on-going trends.


Andrea Frosinini

Hyperledger Trade Finance SIG – Chair

+39 348013698




Capital Markets


Climate Action


Education Architecture




Public Sector


Social Impact


Supply Chain




Trade Finance

12/10  Vipin Bharathan
Most of the work the Capital Markets SIG has been doing is in envisioning the integration of tokenized digital assets with payment rails in the creation of digital capital markets. CMSIG does this through discussion of the latest trends in CBDCs, tokenization of bonds, equities and other financial instruments, business modeling languages for ledger independence etc. CMSIG helped launch a lab in which created a wholesale CBDC using TTF standards and implemented the CBDC on Hyperledger Besu. Many ideas have come together on this project, including the modeling of roles for achieving regulatory compliance, digital wallets etc. Next year CMSIG plans to explore message based interoperability for settlement as the dlts that house the assets and the payments are bound to be different. Also in the works are confidential computing and MPC as wallet strategies for enterprises. The eThaler code from the labs is being generalized into other types of tokens like Carbon tokens. Bridges to IWA and FinOS are also being built.   

Emission token network that can be used to track and trade utilities emissions. 

  • Emissions audit - represents the actual emissions of an organization, as reported by an auditor.  
  • Carbon offsets - represents reduction of emissions through projects such as forestry, sequestration, etc.  
  • Renewable Energy Certificates 

Utilities bills get emission number and go buy renewable energy tokens......

Works similar to  CBCD

more that one authority mints tokens, auditor of projects w ould mint tokens for network. Then those people register thier customer trade and transfer emisions offset with each other. Currencies can be burn emission d



Bank of Thailand:

The topic was the creation of Cordite to XDC to DASL, presented by Richard Crook, Director and co-founder of


The recordings (both audio and video) as well as Richard's deck are available on the meeting site.
Vipin Bharathan

Presentation, BSN & DCEP The present and Future of Chinese Blockchain efforts and CBDC  10/21

Intro to Hyperledger CMSIG.pdf
Tokenization/Digital Currency

12/10 Si Chen posted article: Video: Fighting Climate Change with Blockchain and Open Source

11/23 Great call determining Did roles in Climate accounting network Structure. Capital Market token will work for carbon accounting credits.

Open Climate Collabathon - Global Event

#RadicalCollaboration | Hyperledger CA2 SIG leading a working group at Open Climate Collabathon

Different Wiki?

Carbon Accounting and Certification WG

Si Chen John Hartley

Here's a summary and recording of today's peer programming call:

We're going to be building out a client app to interface with
the ledger and then looking at it moving forward to deploy it.

Martin E. Wainstein
collaborating on major aspects for an integrated climate accounting system. 

Nov 17th Using Open Source to Transform Our Power Grid


Feng Hou


Sub groups: Patient, Payer, Interoperability

HC-SIG - Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup:
Blockchain Article Citations

The Hyperledger Public Sector SIG welcomes Liz Tanner, Director of the Department of Business Regulation in Rhode Island, to provide her insights on Digital Transformation in Government and her leading-edge project on Self-Sovereign Identity and Credentials.

The meeting is Friday, July 2nd at 10 am EDT.

For details, click here.

Feb 12th - NSF-Treasury Grants Payment Proof of Concept

210212-NSF-payments-Craig-Fisher-FIT DLT Project 2021.2.11.pdf


Group is working on Reaching out past hyperledger, Visit Social Impact Group linkedin and twitter accounts.

11/24 December is Social Impact Month so we will do blog posts by sector. ...Need to write a blog for the Giving Chain

Nancy Min Marc Liberati UN Working on blog posts. Amelia will speak after elections

Working on Blog Series on Social Impact Use Cases

Cisco Solution using fabric to track and trace

Marco Carvalho, Tom Klein

View file

Vipin Rathi, Sunay Zelawat


Decentralized 5G Marketplaces based on Hyperledger Fabric

Presentation 11/19

Andrea Frosinini

Paving the future of International trade and trade finance

Presentation  Telecom 11/19  5G

Image Removed

January 4, 2021

From Tracy Kuhrt to Everyone: 01:31 PM
From David Boswell to Everyone: 01:36 PM Feel free to post questions, thoughts of suggestions on the SIG Chair mailing list:
From Tracy Kuhrt to Everyone: 01:36 PM

Nancy , understand use case 

Supply chain and grid will have a future GS1 standards are being implemented IBM food trust us GS1 data to share data Origin trail , cross blockchain transfer of data. GS1 - 

Standards for SIGs Climate Action and other Sig have same standards. 

Time: 10:00am pacific



David Boswell

Karen Ottoni

Tom Klein

Bobbi Muscara

Alicia Noel

Nancy Min

Tracy Kuhrt

Bobbi Muscara

Anjon Roy

Vipin Rathi


  • Introductions
  • Discussion about how SIGs could use more support from the technical community and how SIGs could support the work on the Hyperledger projects
  • Other topics?

Standard Documentation for Special Interest Groups 










Public Sector


Social Impact






Trade Finance


Blog Information

TSC (Tracy) and Sig chairs meeting . 

Quarterly SIG Best Practice Call


Every 3 months from 1pm to 2pm on the first Monday Eastern Time - New York

Where (map)



Capital Markets

Climate Action

Education Architecture


Public Sector

Social Impact

Supply Chain


Trade Finance

12/10  Vipin Bharathan
Most of the work the Capital Markets SIG has been doing is in envisioning the integration of tokenized digital assets with payment rails in the creation of digital capital markets. CMSIG does this through discussion of the latest trends in CBDCs, tokenization of bonds, equities and other financial instruments, business modeling languages for ledger independence etc. CMSIG helped launch a lab in which created a wholesale CBDC using TTF standards and implemented the CBDC on Hyperledger Besu. Many ideas have come together on this project, including the modeling of roles for achieving regulatory compliance, digital wallets etc. Next year CMSIG plans to explore message based interoperability for settlement as the dlts that house the assets and the payments are bound to be different. Also in the works are confidential computing and MPC as wallet strategies for enterprises. The eThaler code from the labs is being generalized into other types of tokens like Carbon tokens. Bridges to IWA and FinOS are also being built.   

Emission token network that can be used to track and trade utilities emissions. 

  • Emissions audit - represents the actual emissions of an organization, as reported by an auditor.  
  • Carbon offsets - represents reduction of emissions through projects such as forestry, sequestration, etc.  
  • Renewable Energy Certificates 

Utilities bills get emission number and go buy renewable energy tokens......

Works similar to  CBCD

more that one authority mints tokens, auditor of projects w ould mint tokens for network. Then those people register thier customer trade and transfer emisions offset with each other. Currencies can be burn emission d


The Bank of Thailand Sovereign Bond Issuance on Blockchain (IBM Blockchain based on Hyperledger Fabric)presentation Issuing & Trading sovereign bonds on the blockchain

Bank of Thailand:

The topic was the creation of Cordite to XDC to DASL, presented by Richard Crook, Director and co-founder of

Of the concepts discussed was the formation of business networks, how the cap-table would be implemented in a Corda based securitization system, the motivation and principles behind Digital Asset Secure Ledger (DASL) etc. 

The recordings (both audio and video) as well as Richard's deck are available on the meeting site.


Capital Markets

Climate Action

Education Architecture


Public Sector

Social Impact

Supply Chain


Trade Finance

12/10  Vipin Bharathan
Most of the work the Capital Markets SIG has been doing is in envisioning the integration of tokenized digital assets with payment rails in the creation of digital capital markets. CMSIG does this through discussion of the latest trends in CBDCs, tokenization of bonds, equities and other financial instruments, business modeling languages for ledger independence etc. CMSIG helped launch a lab in which created a wholesale CBDC using TTF standards and implemented the CBDC on Hyperledger Besu. Many ideas have come together on this project, including the modeling of roles for achieving regulatory compliance, digital wallets etc. Next year CMSIG plans to explore message based interoperability for settlement as the dlts that house the assets and the payments are bound to be different. Also in the works are confidential computing and MPC as wallet strategies for enterprises. The eThaler code from the labs is being generalized into other types of tokens like Carbon tokens. Bridges to IWA and FinOS are also being built.   

Emission token network that can be used to track and trade utilities emissions. 

  • Emissions audit - represents the actual emissions of an organization, as reported by an auditor.  
  • Carbon offsets - represents reduction of emissions through projects such as forestry, sequestration, etc.  
  • Renewable Energy Certificates 

Utilities bills get emission number and go buy renewable energy tokens......

Works similar to  CBCD

more that one authority mints tokens, auditor of projects w ould mint tokens for network. Then those people register thier customer trade and transfer emisions offset with each other. Currencies can be burn emission d


The Bank of Thailand Sovereign Bond Issuance on Blockchain (IBM Blockchain based on Hyperledger Fabric)presentation Issuing & Trading sovereign bonds on the blockchain

Bank of Thailand:

The topic was the creation of Cordite to XDC to DASL, presented by Richard Crook, Director and co-founder of

Of the concepts discussed was the formation of business networks, how the cap-table would be implemented in a Corda based securitization system, the motivation and principles behind Digital Asset Secure Ledger (DASL) etc. 

The recordings (both audio and video) as well as Richard's deck are available on the meeting site.
Vipin Bharathan

Presentation, BSN & DCEP The present and Future of Chinese Blockchain efforts and CBDC  10/21

Intro to Hyperledger CMSIG.pdf
Tokenization/Digital Currency

12/10 Si Chen posted article: Video: Fighting Climate Change with Blockchain and Open Source

11/23 Great call determining Did roles in Climate accounting network Structure. Capital Market token will work for carbon accounting credits.

Open Climate Collabathon - Global Event

#RadicalCollaboration | Hyperledger CA2 SIG leading a working group at Open Climate Collabathon

Different Wiki?

Carbon Accounting and Certification WG

Si Chen John Hartley

Here's a summary and recording of today's peer programming call:


We're going to be building out a client app to interface with
the ledger and then looking at it moving forward to deploy it.

Martin E. Wainstein
collaborating on major aspects for an integrated climate accounting system. 

Nov 17th Using Open Source to Transform Our Power Grid

Feng Hou

Sub groups: Patient, Payer, Interoperability

HC-SIG - Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup:
Blockchain Article Citations

Feb 12th - NSF-Treasury Grants Payment Proof of Concept

210212-NSF-payments-Craig-Fisher-FIT DLT Project 2021.2.11.pdf


Group is working on Reaching out past hyperledger, Visit Social Impact Group linkedin and twitter accounts.

11/24 December is Social Impact Month so we will do blog posts by sector. ...Need to write a blog for the Giving Chain

Nancy Min Marc Liberati UN Working on blog posts. Amelia will speak after elections

Working on Blog Series on Social Impact Use Cases

Cisco Solution using fabric to track and trace

Marco Carvalho, Tom Klein

View file

Vipin Rathi, Sunay Zelawat


Decentralized 5G Marketplaces based on Hyperledger Fabric

Presentation 11/19

Andrea Frosinini

Paving the future of International trade and trade finance

Presentation  Telecom 11/19  5G

Image Removed

January 4, 2021

From Tracy Kuhrt to Everyone: 01:31 PM
From David Boswell to Everyone: 01:36 PM Feel free to post questions, thoughts of suggestions on the SIG Chair mailing list:
From Tracy Kuhrt to Everyone: 01:36 PM

Nancy , understand use case 

Supply chain and grid will have a future GS1 standards are being implemented IBM food trust us GS1 data to share data Origin trail , cross blockchain transfer of data. GS1 - 

Standards for SIGs Climate Action and other Sig have same standards. 

Time: 10:00am pacific



David Boswell

Karen Ottoni

Tom Klein

Bobbi Muscara

Alicia Noel

Nancy Min

Tracy Kuhrt

Bobbi Muscara

Anjon Roy

Vipin Rathi


Vipin Bharathan

Presentation, BSN & DCEP The present and Future of Chinese Blockchain efforts and CBDC  10/21

Intro to Hyperledger CMSIG.pdf

12/10 Si Chen posted article: Video: Fighting Climate Change with Blockchain and Open Source

11/23 Great call determining Did roles in Climate accounting network Structure. Capital Market token will work for carbon accounting credits.

Open Climate Collabathon - Global Event

#RadicalCollaboration | Hyperledger CA2 SIG leading a working group at Open Climate Collabathon

Different Wiki?

Carbon Accounting and Certification WG

Si Chen John Hartley

Here's a summary and recording of today's peer programming call:

We're going to be building out a client app to interface with
the ledger and then looking at it moving forward to deploy it.

Martin E. Wainstein
collaborating on major aspects for an integrated climate accounting system. 

Nov 17th Using Open Source to Transform Our Power Grid

Feng Hou

Sub groups: Patient, Payer, Interoperability

HC-SIG - Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup (Archived):
Blockchain Article Citations

The Hyperledger Public Sector SIG welcomes Liz Tanner, Director of the Department of Business Regulation in Rhode Island, to provide her insights on Digital Transformation in Government and her leading-edge project on Self-Sovereign Identity and Credentials.

The meeting is Friday, July 2nd at 10 am EDT.

For details, click here.

Feb 12th - NSF-Treasury Grants Payment Proof of Concept

210212-NSF-payments-Craig-Fisher-FIT DLT Project 2021.2.11.pdf


Group is working on Reaching out past hyperledger, Visit Social Impact Group linkedin and twitter accounts.

11/24 December is Social Impact Month so we will do blog posts by sector. ...Need to write a blog for the Giving Chain

Nancy Min Marc Liberati UN Working on blog posts. Amelia will speak after elections

Working on Blog Series on Social Impact Use Cases

Cisco Solution using fabric to track and trace

Marco Carvalho, Tom Klein

View file

Vipin Rathi, Sunay Zelawat


Decentralized 5G Marketplaces based on Hyperledger Fabric

Presentation 11/19

Andrea Frosinini

Paving the future of International trade and trade finance

Presentation  Telecom 11/19  5G

Image Added
