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  • Project updates
  • Problems with the Indy IOS wrapper.
  • The future of Plenum

Planned topics:

  • Pull request review process for Indy Node
  • Moving Indy SDK components to Aries

Timezone: Europe afternoon and US morning



  • Name (Employer) <email>
  • Richard Esplin (Evernym) <>
  • Ken Ebert (Sovrin Foundation) <>
  • Matt Raffel (Kiva) <>
  • Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass/BC Gov) <>

Related Calls and Announcements

Release Status and Work Updates

  • Indy Node
  • Indy SDK
    • October: 1.12.1
        Bug fixes
      • Might skip the release, push to November
    • November (1.12.1 or 1.13.0)
    • Future
      • GitLab migration alongside Jenkins (Foundation)?
      • Anoncreds 2.0 (Sovrin Foundation,
      • Warnings from rust cargo clippy (Mike and Axel), epic: IS-1410
  • Indy Catalyst
    • Production deployment testing: volume loads.
        Won't go live in production at until October
        • Trying to identify performance bottlenecks. Currently think it's calls to the database.
        • Performance problems is preventing going to production.
      • Not yet migrated to Hyperledger. Needs more documentation.
    • Documentation improvements: Michael B and Stephen C
      • Need to review and prune out-of-date documentation (Alice / Faber treatment of pairwise DIDs is a key pain point)
      • Cloud Compass is building the Linux Foundation EdX courses for Indy and Aries
        • Overview launch date: November 21st
        • More content will follow
    • New design for revocation / Anoncreds 2.0 (Mike)
      • Would be useful to have a comparison in performance between Anoncreds 1.0 and Anoncreds 2.0
      • Need a plan for changes to Indy Node

    Main Business

    • Problems with the iOS wrapper
      • Lohan: We are using CocoaPods to manage our dependencies within our iOS project. We are experiencing some issues with the pod "libindy-objc". 
      • Others with the same issue:
      • XCode 9 (what is currently supported by Indy SDK) is deprecated will soon be End-of-Life. Only supported in OSX before Sierra.
      • Previous experience with upgrading XCode: IS-1261
    • Timeline for deprecating Indy wrappers in favor of Aries contributions
      • Focus is on the Aries SDK, no longer on the Indy SDK
      • Moving too fast to deprecate will scare people trying to get started today, because there are no mature alternatives in Aries today.
        • Especially with the mobile wrappers.
          • .NET and Xamarin is used by Open Source Mobile Agent (OSMA), which works today.
          • Team at DIDx is struggling with React Native. Wants to open source a React Native app platform.
          • WebAssembly would be the most performant approach.
        • is working on a plan for building on existing Aries today.
    • Evaluating Plenum
      • Pros versus other ledgers
      • Improvements we would like to make
      • Recent performance testing (increased batch size and write latency)
      • Top level Hyperledger Project?
    • Problems with RBFT replicas:
      • Indy Node Epics
        • INDY-2251: Problems with RBFT Replicas
        • INDY-2250: Removing replicas (move from RBFT to Aardvark)

    Future Calls

    Future Calls

    • Requirements question: IS-1099, should we allow duplicate credentials from the same issuer?
    • Non-secrets in the Indy Wallet
      • Cam is working on pluggable crypto. They wallet shouldn't decide what encryption you should be using.
      • Use cases where we would want to move keys between wallets
        • Moving the link secret / credential data from one device to another (synchronized storage).
        • Debug use cases
        • Richard's hit other uses cases that were better solved with DID Doc,  pre-signing, signing API.
      • Work-around with the web-crypto API


    •  HIPE #138, Issue #144 (Ken and Brent)
      • Create a PR for changing status to ACCEPTED
      • Check for an Aries RFC
    •  PR to RFC #0019 to compare pack/upack to msgpack (Sergey)
    •  Richard and Sergey will close old pull requests with a descriptive comment.
    •  Mike wants to review the 61 cases of "unsafe" libindy calls and figure out if they are justified.

    Call Recording

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