Versions Compared


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This means we are not just looking for a description of how things currently are; we are looking for a deeper description of what climate action and accounting are in essence. We are looking for a description of how things could be 100 years from now. We attempt to break the concept of climate action and the process of climate accounting down to their most essential structure structures and use that as a basis for designing representation thereof in software. 

Impact accounting within the context of climate action and the SDGs


The surroundings of a living being, i.e., the space or sphere in which it operates or functions, is generally referred to as the environment of the living being. Earth, as the home of a vast number of living beings, can be seen as consisting of a vast number of environments. Some of these environments have clear geographical boundaries, but many do not; most of these environments in fact overlap or can be viewed as sub-environments of some larger environment (e.g., a tidal pool can be viewed as an environment on its own, but it can also be viewed as part of the environment of its surrounding shoreline).


Figure 1: Environments within environments. The blue circle depicts Earth (the "global environment") as a subenvironment of the universal environment (the gray ellipsoid). The slightly transparent, green circles with dashed, brown borderlines represent the infinite number of possible environments of interest that exist within the global environment. The large green circle, populated with pictures of animals, trees and humans, depict one such possible environment of interest. The purple rectangle to the right of the diagram depicts the relationship between the (abstract) discipline of impact accounting and the real world - it intersects with reality, but can never account for reality in its fullness.

The problem of plurality

The problem is that humankind has, over the years, created different accounting standards for the same activities and agents, and the differences between them often lead to disagreements between their findings of how and to what extent a certain agent’s activities impact their environment. The solution to this problem is unfortunately not as simple as just choosing one of the standards and getting all of humankind to only use that standard henceforth – each of the standards have their strengths and weaknesses, and the arguments against a specific standard is often just as many as the arguments for that standard. The solution, instead, seems to lie in finding a structured way to compare the different standards – their requirements, their approaches, and what they take into account.


Accounting is the presentation, verification and aggregation of claims about agents, the outcome outcomes of the their activities and the nature and magnitude of the impact that they had/ve on states that are considered valuable.

A claim is made up of representations of the key aspects and dimensions of agents, activities and states as well as representations about the claim itself.

Some claims are proofs. A proof contains all the information needed to evaluate its veracity. Claims are often constructed from other claims. 


Standards prescribe the content and structure of such claims and allow third parties to assess the veracity of thereof.


We know about things through direct participation in them or through representations. 

For things we experience directly we do not need any further assurance that they are true. 

 Ontology, epistemology and semiology


Ontology (What are the 'things' that the accounting system should know about? What are the defining properties or characteristics of each 'thing'?)




  • unique identifier (identity)
  • type (individual or group; if group, what type of group, e.g. organisation, company or movement; auditor)
    • Develop or source a schema describing a minimum set of properties by agents type

An agent asserts their identity though digital signatures

Agents provide proofs of their properties through verified credentials 

Other parties can verify agent properties and make claims about their methods and results


Digital signature

Verified credentials 

Validation claim by third party


  • activity class (e.g. IPCC categories)
  • activity description including objective(s) 
  • location
  • start time
  • end time (possibly)
  • agent
  • input(s) (e.g. materials and energy; consumables and non-consumables)
  • process(es): a process links inputs to products and waste
  • output(s) product + waste
  • objective (experience, create, reduce, destroy, avoid, verify) (optional / not required in all instances)



Ex ante: An agent asserts their intentions to act in a Projet Design Document (PDD) 

Ex post: An agent describe their actions in a Projet Design Document (PDD) 



  • unique identifier








  • metrics referring to parameters
  • type (actual [measured] or baseline [counterfactual])

*State as in environmental state (not political state)


Parameters/indicators for states

Parameters/indicators delivered by agents via PDDs and MRs




  • name
  • definition
  • unit of measure
  • rationale
  • calculation
  • credibility

(Emission factors are parameters, for example.)


  • unique identifier


  • name
  • author(s)
  • applicability - type of agent, type of activity, state
  • requirements (e.g. reporting requirements, calculation requirements)
  • version
  • method(s)
  • precision
  • accuracy / std error
  • emission factors (defaults)


  • unique identifier


  • agent 
  • activity
  • "before" state for every every environment and aspect of the state under consideration
  • "after" state for every every environment and aspect of the state under consideration
  • causal connection between activity and the resultant state (e.g. scope 1 (primary/secondary), scope 2 or scope 3)
  • standard followed

The process of impact accounting

Someone or something gathers data

  • observes Observes a phenomenon using some instrument.

Someone or something presents data as a claim

  • A claim concerns at least one property of an agent or activity or one paramater of a state and is accompanied by metadata (e.g., about the instrument, agent and sampling frame)

Someone or something evaluates the claim

  • .
  • A claim is made up of representations of the key aspects and dimensions of agents, activities and states as well as representations about the claim itselff.

  • Some claims are proofs. A proof contains all the information needed to evaluate its veracity. Claims are often constructed from other claims. 

Someone or something evaluates the claimFor discussion: Where do we list the natural processes that lead to climate change? Should there be an event class? An event is like an activity but without the intention of an agent. An accident is an event but it is not an activity.