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Recordings from the call: 20221004 ACA-Pug Community Call Recording.mp4

  • Full Meeting: 
  • Relevant Chat Bits: 



  • IIW coming up in November
  • DIF Interop WG is conducting a survey if we could include that in the announcements 
    • Survey on Verifiable Credential formats and exchange mechanisms everyone is using to inform what discussions we should be pursuing in the Interop WG:
    • October 5, 11 AM ET - Alex Tweeddale from Cheqd will be presenting on their work "Decoupling AnonCreds from Hyperledger Indy and creating extensible resources on-ledger with DID URLs"
  • Last AATH Meeting – worth reviewing the recording posted on the meeting page – cool stuff from IdLab on using AATH! 



  • Milestone 0.75 – 7.5 – progress and anything more to add to it?
    • Wrapping up – should be today. Daniel Bluhmand team to try to create 0.7.5 Branch in ACA-Py repo.
  • AnonCreds discussions from Hyperledger Global Forum and Rebooting Web of Trust
    • AnonCreds as a top level project – presentation and draft proposal – please consider being a sponsor (name, optional organization, email address)
    • AnonCreds ledger agnostic
      • Up to 6 non-Indy AnonCreds implementations found
      • Progress on AnonCreds Spec – more contributors
      • Working right now on AnonCreds API with AnonCreds Methods
        • AnonCreds spec defines the format produced on creation and/or expected for use of: Schema, CredDef, RevRegDef, RevRegEntry
        • AnonCreds Methods must provide the objects in the expected format.
        • Mostly straight-forward, but interesting for RevRegEntry, where AnonCreds Methods may store the data as deltas or as full state.
    • AnonCreds in W3C Verifiable Credential Data Model Format
      • It seems to be really easy...
    • Likely path forward:
      • Code: Extract AnonCreds from indy-shared-rs
      • Code: Define AnonCreds – AnonCreds Method API
      • Code: Implement AnonCreds Methods – indy legacy, did:indy, perhaps HTTP, cheqd
      • Code: AnonCreds in W3C Format – transformations
      • Top Level AnonCreds Project
      • New AnonCreds Revocation
      • Next Gen AnonCreds with (at least) the same features, but better, faster
    Discussion of PR 1956 - Combining credentials in Present Proof v2
  • Discussion on recently merged PRsopen PRs and issues
  • Using the W3C's CCG effort on VC-API and ACA-Py – an experiment by Patrick from IdLabs
  • Paul Wen has been working on an SSI Verifier –
    • Define a Presentation Request
    • Generate a QR code
    • Display if a Presentation received meets the Presentation Request
  • Open Discussion
  • Q&A

Next Meeting

Future Topics
