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Hi All, Another great meeting. 

Thanks for your active participation and discussion. Slides, meeting notes, and recording will be posted on Supply Chain SIG wiki home page.

As a reminder if you have not joined a specific project yet, please consider doing so. Start by adding your name to projects, and contributing content. 

Thank you. 

Meeting Minutes - 6/20/2019


  • Reviewed poll result to determine SIG meeting time - Thursday, 9am PST still a top choice. Poll is opened indefinitely for everyone to vote
  • Recognized Marco Carvalho, Adnan Iftekhar, and Zaher Srour for their community leadership and enthusiastic contribution in the last two weeks 
  • Shared a few industry news items- The retailer, Target, unveiled and open sourced project ConsenSource, that runs on sawtooth. Codebase is in GitHub, FB announced Libra, Fed government doing a study on how they may use blockchain with Booz Allen (see slides for links to articles, and repos, etc)

Open Discussions:

  • Suggestion: It would bMinutes - June 20e good to get an update on progress made in food consortiums, find contacts and invite them to present, make it part of the discussions: MediLedger, FoodTrust, Target’s ConsenSource (if anyone knows someone who can speak about these consortiums feel free to invite them, and we can add them to the agenda). Everyone - invite contacts from these food consortiums to come and present in our SIG meeting. 
  • Suggestion: Bret Carpenter will send abstract of his proposed talk on use of Geospatial info, for potential inclusion in a future SIG meeting. 
  • Question: Grid project details and code repo may be found here:

Member Introductions: 

  • Joseph Catende - FL, Accountant, F500 company, Interested in Grid, access to codebase, Entrepreneur - Github. Startup - How GTM can be made into an agile process.
  • Bret Carpenter - Financial professional, Asset management in precious metal. Bold Forward with CDW, Inception program with Nvidia - Geospatial - Would like to present AR and Geospatial technology he is developing. 
  • Kamlesh - Pune, India - Startup, IT, Building supply chain solutions for different sectors based on Hyperledger Fabric
  • Christian Winzeler - Works in RSM, based in S. California, Food & Beverage consulting practice, interested in Food Safety
  • Amim Knabben - Logistics company in NY
  • Wesley Graham - Oracle, Product Management, Track and Trace app, interested in defining standards 
  • John Hopkins - Track and Trace  for a cannabis startup, interested in Grid, working on Semantics Working Group working on overlays to create shared context across different ledgers

Project Updates: 

Food Safety Project Meeting Notes

  • Add, Corda, Food Trust
  • Add more details to scope
  • Deliverable suggestion - one stop shop for understanding where the industry is at, best practices, analysis of consortium models - what’s unique about them
  • Talk about how these interact with outside systems - return data - how do we make it easy for getting that data in/out of blockchain - Bret has done some work in Blockchain and AWS - Integration/Interoperability heading/bullet is needed.
  • Vivek Ahuja & Michael Ribet from Sofbang will join this project - please add yourself to wiki.

Supply Chain Contract Template Meeting Notes

  • Defining interactions, taxonomy, participants
  • Start with High level - types of smart contracts with supply chain. Then go to industry specific smart contracts (pharma, beverage, life science)
  • Its not system specific - hyperledger fabric or sawtooth - that’s implementation detail. This project seeks to capture the business logic - data model, state transitions, business logic is the smart contract implementing.
  • Create a spec for smart contract logic - what capabilities should the smart contract support. 
  • Project Transact will be announced shortly - integration points for blockchain with supply chain processes
  • Be more specific to particular supply chain sub-processes e.g. purchase orders, reconciliation, acceptance notices, etc. talking about how smart contracts deal with these sub-processes. 
  • Does what asset you monitor also has an implication on smart contract logic - it should be a nuance worth covering
  • One idea - group can review BiTA specs - (Dave to check if this is current or not) - and propose smart contracts that can handle state transitions with the events.
  • GS1 also has defined EPCIS for data models and state transitions, which could be used to build logic for smart contract template -

Use Case Repository:

  • Mark and Jay to create a wiki based structure that we can use to define each use case.
  • Everyone writes editable use cases (sample will be posted) on wiki for collaborative editing
  • Create categories for use cases - by industry - retail, food, pharma, discrete manufacturing, process manufacturing, logistics, etc. 

Using Blockchain for Drug Supply Chain Security Act 

  • Action: Put a link to the actual DSCSA regulation document
  • Government wants to more granuarly track drugs in supply chain
  • Ben shared a link to the FDA page that outlines things like MediLedger - their specs for smart contracts are on Github
  • Legislation is being transformed into specs through 2023 - i.e. Unique identifier for all drugs at a salable unit level that carries though from manufacturer, to wholesaler, to pharmacy - several FDA pilots are underway
  • One use case for MediLedger is to verify returned drugs 
  • Baiju, Marco, Ben and others will jump on a call next week - others please add your name to wiki if you want to be included in that call.
  • FDA already has a “guidance document” - Ben to provide link on wiki page - that’s already established data models, schemas, etc.
  • Also, GS1 has a spec for healthcare and pharmaceutical already - that talks about DSCSA - to frame up data models and schemas - For this use case, defining a schema (data model) and smart contracts to handle the type of transactions that need to be processed by a distributed solution would be a great exercise for this use case.  ("Definition of Done" could be completing those deliverables.)
  • Marta to make introductions to GS1 team, and invite them to the next call