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  • Network Upgrade Progress
  • Indy Ecosystem Summit meeting – Indy on Besu discussion
  • Open Discussion



Welcome and Introductions


Related Calls and Announcements


Release Status and Work Updates

Meeting Topics

  • Indy network upgrade progress
    • Indicio TestNet - upgrade to 20.04 is complete!
      • TestNet issue: add a new node, new node could not connect to primary node. Troubleshooting guide provided (see Indy Node PR 1819), ready to be merged
    • Indicio DemoNet began an update - 4/7th of the way.  Issues were encountered.
      • DemoNet: Node removed, keys retained, node added – couldn't be added to consensus and that split network – some nodes have one primary, other nodes have another primary.
      • Debugging/testing being done. Theories, but the effort to prove are a lot of work.
      • Issue might be the size of the audit log – 1.5M
      • Get a copy of the ledger from a working node – by stopping the node make a copy – copy that to the starting node – continue with the start up, and all is well.
        • Best practice?  Seems to be – start with a copy of the ledger (the data directory, renamed to the new node name) on every new node.  Reduces the catch-up time.
      • First two were rough, last two were "easy" using the workaround of having a copy of the data directory.
    • Sovrin: Document is done – ugrade on BuilderNet is to start soon.
    • Documentation:
      • Upgrade guides being converted to Markdown and to be submitted.
  • Indy Ecosystem Summit follow up – Indy on Besu
    • AnonCreds objects – Smart Contract based interactions
      • Could be put in the Smart Contracts so would be on chain.
        • All transactions for AnonCreds are small enough.
      • DSR is doing a design and POC spikes – welcome to have discussions about the project.  Feedback would be very much appreciated!! Contact Renata Toktar
        • ed25519 usage is not there – who/whether to add/
        • DIDDocs – what should they look like?  Full DIDDoc, or one derived based on data elements such as is currently done with Indy (nym+attrib).
        • Idea is to get this to work with an Aries agent with a small SDK.
      • Consensus – what is the model? Proof of Authority model – QBFT, IBFT 2.0, and Clique are options, DSR selected QBFT with no gas.
    • VeriDID work on Canon – using Besu as an Indy replacement
  • Open Discussion

Future Calls
