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Planned Topics:

  • Status Check: ACA-Py Release 0.7.0
  • Performance Issue Update – Public DID Handling
  • Discussion: What's next/getting to Release 1.0.0
  • AMA (as time permits)

Recording from the call:


 20210707 ACA-Pug Community Call Recording.mp4

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  • Status Update – ACA-Py 0.7.0 Release – Andrew Whitehead
    • ACA-Py 0.7.0RC0 has been tagged
    • List of major updates and additions:
      • Support for W3C Standard Verifiable Credentials based on JSON-LD using LD-Signatures and BBS+ Signatures
      • Support for DIF Presentation Exchange
      • Present Proof V2 Support
      • Pluggable DID Resolver (with a did:web resolver) with fallback to an optional/configurable external DID universal resolver
      • Endorser Signing Transactions Protocol
      • Upgrades to Demos to add support for Credential Exchange 2.0 and W3C Verifiable Credentials
      • Alpha support for the Indy/Aries Shared Components (indy-vdr, indy-shared-rs and aries-askar), enabling running ACA-Py without using the Indy-SDK, while still supporting the use of Indy as a ledger, and Indy AnonCreds verifiable credential format
      • Feature/Event bus for ACA-Py generated events for controllers
      • Initial support for AIP 2.0 DIDComm envelopes (e.g. ECDH-1PU support)
      • Enable operation without Indy ledger support if not needed
      • Performance fix for deployments with large numbers of DIDs/connections
      • Simplify the creation/handling of plugin protocols
      • DID Exchange implicit invitation handling
      • Add support for Indy 1.16 predicates (restrictions on predicates based on attribute name and value)
      • BDD Tests run via GitHub Actions
    • Breaking changes?
      • DID Exchange Create Request returned the request, and now returns the connection object
      • When endorsement is enabled, the revocation capabilities are not working. For now, don't use the features in combination.
      • Possible – did related methods for handling unqualified did:sov keys
    • What's left?
  • Performance issue addressed – redundant Public DID Queries – Andrew Whitehead
    • Issue - public DID checked multiple times per request; old approach was check each DID until public one found; blows up with many DIDs (public or peer) – fixed!
    • Could be improved further with caching, as it is still doing the multiple checks per request, but minor issue
    • Discovered along the way that DIDs from wallet cannot be deleted (e.g. when deleting a connection) – a leftover indy-sdk issue (never implemented). Likely to be addressed in Askar.
  • Discussion: What's next in ACA-Py/Getting to 1.0.0
    • Support for did:orb
      • Where do we do this?
      • How are we using external universal resolvers?
    • Support for multiple Indy ledgers
    • Support for revised did:sov
    • Persistent Queues – getting more done on that.
      • Loading and unloading the queues
      • Transports through the event bus, making the mechanism pluggable - inbound and outbound
        • Will require changes in the forward message handling for notifications to mobile devices – generalize this and enable notification handlers to see the message off the bus
        • These are changes to externalize the handling are a step to persistent queues, but not complete answer.
    • AIP 2.0 Features (list below)
      • --version 2.0 flag to enable "breaking changes" features/completed community updates
      • RFC 0557 Discover Features V2 – Added AIP 2.0 features / potentially dynamic based on loaded modules
      • RFC 0519 Goal Codes in specific protocols (RFC 0453/0454 - Credential Exchange V2), OOB, DID Exchange
        • Generalized support?
      • RFC 0627 Static Peer DID Support
      • RFC 0183 Revocation Notification – flag on API to notify user (+ connection_id?)
      • RFC 0587 Encryption Envelope V2
      • Review and update as needed all AIP 1.0 RFCs – to be added: a diff link for each "updated" RF
  • Questions – AMA:

Next Meeting


  • Queues – Daniel Bluhm
    • Actions:
      • Daniel Bluhmto do a hackmd doc design to meet mediator-centric requirements, ideally with a narrative on push notification handling
      • Andrew Whiteheadto do a hackmd doc design to meet scalabilty scalability requirements -
      • Ideally, incorporated into the above, but if not, a third design doc, covering the use of the event bus with the outbound queuing
  • Double Signature with eIDAS?
  • Performance with Shared Components enabled (Aries Askar et al.)
  • AIP 2.0 Features:
    • --version 2.0 flag to enable "breaking changes" features/completed community updates
    • RFC 0557 Discover Features V2 – Added AIP 2.0 features / potentially dynamic based on loaded modules
    • RFC 0519 Goal Codes in specific protocols (RFC 0453/0454 - Credential Exchange V2), OOB, DID Exchange
      • Generalized support?
    • RFC 0627 Static Peer DID Support
    • RFC 0183 Revocation Notification – flag on API to notify user (+ connection_id?)
    • RFC 0587 Encryption Envelope V2
    • Review and update as needed all AIP 1.0 RFCs – to be added: a diff link for each "updated" RF
