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  • Welcome new members, including new member introductions
  • Updates / needs from CA2SIG Working Groups
    • Consumer Disclosure WG
    • Carbon Accounting WG
    • Standards WG
    • Climate Research WG 
      • New ecosystem analysis research project being developed - will focus on Carbon Offsets
    • Awareness and Capacity Building WG
      • Articles / Media Strategy Project
      •  Diversity and Inclusion Project
      • Presentations and Events Project
      • Speakers Series Project
  • IBM Call for Code
  • Upcoming presentation from Veronica Garcia from Bitlumens on IoT and blockchain to facilitate the scaling of green technologies in rural communities
  • Break-out rooms (time and interest permitting)


Link to Recording

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Meeting Notes 

  • Attendees: 15
  • Welcome new members, including new member introductions
    • Charlie Bushman 
    • Laurie Reynolds
  • Updates / needs from CA2SIG Working Groups
  • Standards WG
    • First draft of ontology is ready
    • Next step will be to test the ontology with a real-world scenario (e.g. personal carbon footprint accounting)
  • Climate Research WG 
  • Research prompt? - Overcome misconception that blockchain (rather than just Bitcoin and Ethereum POW) is energy intensive and environmentally harmful.- Si
  • Blog post or paper about this topic?
    • Blog post would be more high-level
    • Paper would be a more in-dept analysis of the numbers in terms of energy usage (kWh) etc.
    • comparison of energy uses for different types of blockchain?? Ressources saved by using blockchain (e.g. paper)??
  • Lam Nguyen presented the Climate Research Group and provided two directions we could research - Energy usage of blockchains and blockchain-based emission trading systems (cap and trade)
  • George Blumberg The current problem for students is that the scope seems infinite and it needs to be graspable for students. Having assignments ready that describe a project with defined outcomes could help a lot.
  • Plan to create a Awareness and Capacity Building WG
    • Events to attend - List updated by CA2SIG members
    • Speaking Opportunities
      • CA2SIG presentation materials
    • Content / Articles
    • Planned guests invited to present at CA2SIG meetings
    • Diversity and inclusion project
  • Diversity and Inclusion findings / 2021 strategy
    • Sherwood Moore  proposed the idea to have representatives in the different regions over the world
    • Alfonso Govela suggests connecting with universities and high schools to increase diversity
    • Karolina suggests targeting directly associations of universities that already participate in the blockchain space
    • Kamlesh Nagware suggest reaching out to the Social Impact SIG and the regional chapters and also organizing a hackathon
  • Video campaign
  • Do we need meetings in different time zones?
  • Si Chen wants to reach out to the regional chapters of Africa, ASEAN, and Japan
  • Laurie brought up the idea to have a middle man in Europe to link the meeting in the different time zone (east - west)
  • First step will be to ask if people are interested in having meetings in a different time slot and evaluate the decision.