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To nominate yourself for the TOC, first determine if you are eligible (see above). If you are eligible, then send an email to with the subject "TOC Election Nomination" and the following message:


Then, file an issue on GitHub with your nomination statement.

Nomination Timeline

  •   - The community architects will gather the GitHub IDs of the active maintainers and  update the eligibility check site .
  •   The community architects will gather the GitHub IDs of the active contributors and update the eligibility check site .
  •   - Update the email templates to reflect the dates for the 2022 2023 election cycle.
  •   Publish the template for submitting nominations and open the call for nominees.
  •   - Communication sent to Hyperledger Discord announcement channel announcing the call for TOC nominations using the above template.
  •   - - TOC will be notified via email that the call for nominations has begun.
  •  27 2022 - Reminder communication sent about nominations to Hyperledger Discord announcement channel about the call for TOC nominations using the above template.
  •   2022 - Nominations close EOD Pacific. Go through activity log of the election list during the nomination period to see if any nomination statements were tagged as spam and rejected.  Follow up with people as needed.
  •   2022 - All nominees must have created their nomination statement on the wiki prior to EOD.

Election Process


Voting period:  2022 - 30 2022 

The individuals eligible to vote in the TOC election is defined in §4.a.ii of the Hyperledger Charter. The election will be created using The vote will elect 6 people from the list of TOC nominees.

Election Timeline

  •   2022 - Formally announce the slate of candidates.
  •   2022 - Open the vote using A GitHub notification will be sent to eligible voters with information about casting their ballot. GitHub IDs will be used for the voters.
  •   2022 - TOC will be notified via email that the vote is open.
  •  30 2022  - Election closes at 23:59 US/Pacific time (Dec. 1, 2022, 7:59 a.m. (UTC).)
  •    - The vote results will determine the 6 elected TOC members. These members will be removed from the appointment vote.



Appointment Period  -  

The Governing Board will appoint 5 people from the list of TOC Nominees excluding the 6 elected TOC members. The Governing Board will be provided with the results of the election from the maintainers so that they can ensure appropriate diversity of the TOC during their vote.

Appointment Timeline

  •   - Open the vote using OpaVote, Condorcet IRV ranking/election method.
  •    - An email will be sent to the governing board informing them of the vote and to look for a separate email with the link. In addition, the results of the election from the maintainers will be provided to the Governing Board.
  •   - Reminder email sent to the governing board.
  •   - Election closes at noon UTC
  •   2022 - Email sent to the TOC mailing list announcing the newly elected and appointed TOC members.

TOC Chair/Vice Chair Election

  •   2022 -  Incoming TOC elects the new TOC chair and vice chair