Versions Compared


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This project is meant to serve as a proof-of-concept for implementing decentralized identity and payment rails in the gaming (and by extension, potentially a future metaverse) ecosystem.

Mentor and Mentee

Mentor: Sandy Aggarwal,

Timezone: Eastern Time (EST), USA

Mentee: Kyle Liu

Timezone: Currently PST until mid Aug. EST from mid Aug onwards. 

Fork of official repository for this project: TBD


This project has the following distinctive goals: 

  •  Conduct research on existing methods used for identity and payments and how use of Hyperledger blockchains can provide utility functions in such ecosystems
  •  Implement a mini game project as a proof-of-concept (POC) that demonstrates use of decentralized identity and payment systems using Hyperledger chains such as Indy & Aries for Identity and Firefly for digital assets. 


  •  Conduct research


  • and


  • coding on how this game project can implement digital wallets for storing credentials and digital assets using design principles and recommendations from the Open Wallet Foundation

Mentor and Mentee

Mentor: Sandy Aggarwal,

Timezone: Eastern Time (EST), USA

Mentee: Kyle Liu

Timezone: Currently PST until mid Aug. EST from mid Aug onwards. 

Fork of official repository for this project: TBD


  •  Warnings for unused variables
  •  Warnings for undefined variables
  •  Unused variable elimination
  •  Common subexpression elimination


Evaluation 1:

  •  Leverage the symbol table to detect unused variables.
  •  Generate warnings for them.

Evaluation 2:

  •  Eliminate the detected unused variables when generating the intermediate representation.
  •  Utilize the reaching definitions implementation of Solang to detect undefined variables.

Evaluation 3:

  •  Generate complete warnings for the detected issue.
  •  Implement an available expression analysis algorithm

Evaluation 4:

  •  Eliminate common subexpression when generating the intermediate representation.
  •  Write a complete documentation for the project



Week #










May 24 - May 30


First contact with mentor and discussion of solutions.





May 31 - June 13


Modify the symbol table and the parsing to detect unused variables.




June 14 - June 27




June 28 - July 11

Evaluation 1


Provide tests and documentation.




July 12 - July 25


Eliminate unused variables from generated code.




July 26 - August 8


Provide tests and documentation.




August 9 - August 22

Evaluation 2


Utilize the reaching definitions to detect undefined variables.




August 23 - September 5


Reutilize the solutions for warnings from the last problem to generate warnings.




September 6 - September 19


Provide tests and documentation.




September 20 - October 3

Evaluation 3


Implement available expressions analysis algorithm (part 1)




October 4 - October 17


Implement available expressions analysis algorithm (part 2)




October 18 - October 31


Eliminate common subexpressions.




November 1 - November 14

Evaluation 4


Provide tests and documentation.



After I start coding each milestone, my mentor and I will have a planning session to define the best way to tackle the challenges. Then, I will execute the planning and schedule a review session with my mentor. If everything is working and we agree upon the implemented solution, I am going to write tests and update the Solang documentation website with the most recent features. In addition to those meetings, we are doing weekly calls to review the progress of the project.

Following this methodology, I intend to maintain the transparency of my work and keep the Solang users updated with the most recent features and documentation.


Unused variable detection

A variable in solidity can have three scopes: a global scope, a contract scope (state variables) and a function scope. Global variables can only be constant variables. State variables reside inside a contract. After solang parses a solidity file and builds the AST (abstract syntax tree), all data is saved inside the struct Namespace, which contains a vector of contracts. Inside Contracts there is a vector of variables (struct Variable) that saves state variables. Global constant variables reside in a vector of constants inside Namespace and local variables are saved in a each function's symbol table.

We added a boolean variable read inside struct variable to signal that a variable has been used in the code. At first, used is initialized to false. Once we parse an expression that uses the variable, we set it to true. In addition, we included a boolean variable assigned to signal that a variable has been assigned. Once we parse an assignment expression, we set this variable to true. The aforementioned modification will allow us to emit warnings for unused variables and unassigned ones.

For example, in the following contract, we should expect three warnings. The variables a and b have been assigned, but never read and variable c has never been read nor assigned.

Code Block
titleExample contract 1
contract Test {
    function get() public pure {
        uint32 a = 1;
        uint32 b;
        b = 1;
        uint32 c;

        uint32 d;
        d = 1;
        uint32 e;
        e = d*5;
        d = e/5;

When running solidity, we got the following warnings as expected:

Code Block
titleWarnings for Example 1
test.sol:4:16-17: warning: local variable 'a' has been assigned, but never read
test.sol:5:16-17: warning: local variable 'b' has been assigned, but never read
test.sol:7:16-17: warning: local variable 'c' has never been read nor assigned

Likewise, in the next contract, we expect to see warnings because local variable b32 has never been assigned a values, but has been read and storage variable byteArr has been assigned, but never read.

Code Block
titleExample contract 2
contract Test {
    bytes byteArr;
    bytes32 baRR;

    function get() public  {
        string memory s = "Test";
        byteArr = bytes(s);
        uint16 a = 1;
        uint8 b;
        b = uint8(a);

        uint256 c;
        c = b;
        bytes32 b32;
        bytes memory char = bytes(bytes32(uint(a) * 2 ** (8 * b)));
        baRR = bytes32(c);
        bytes32 cdr = bytes32(char);
        assert(b32 == baRR);
        if(b32 != cdr) {


After running solidity, we got the following warnings:

Code Block
titleWarnings for Example 2
test.sol:15:17-20: warning: local variable 'b32' has never been assigned a value, but has been read
test.sol:3:5-18: warning: storage variable 'byteArr' has been assigned, but never read

Unused variable elimination

Before creating the Control Flow Graph (CFG), Solang generates a variable table from the AST. During that phase, we can raise a warning when we see an unused variable and leave it out of the CFG. Using the id variable inside the Variable struct, we can backtrack the position where the variable appeared in the file and print a meaningful warning, containing the file name and line position. If the variable has only been assigned within a function, but has never been read, in addition to eliminating the variable declaration, we remove all the assignments from the intermediate representation.

Warning for undefined variables

During the codegen phase,  we use the reaching definitions implementation to check if an undefined definition reaches the variable we are parsing. If so, we will raise an error. Using the id variable inside the Variable struct, we backtrack the variable’s location in the source file and emit a complete warning. All warnings will be saved into the diagnostic vector, which is a vector of struct Diagnostics, containing the error type, error message and error position.

Common subexpression elimination

We perform common subexpression elimination using two passes over the Control Flow Graph (CFG). During the first on, we build a graph to track existing expressions and detect repeated ones. During the second pass, we replace the repeated expressions by a temporary variable, which assumes the value of the expression. The example below contains multiple repeated expressions:

Code Block
titleCommon subexpression elimination
contract {

    function csePass(int a, int b) {
        int x = a*b-5;
        if (x > 0) {
            x = a*b-19;
        } else {
            x = a*b*a;

        return x+a*b;



Evaluation 1 (July 28, 2023):

  •  Review problem statement as defined in in the goal of the project and assess technology choices for creation of a mini-game
  •  Create & document game design for the mini-game to be developed
  •  Bootstrap the game using appropriate game engine and technology for crude PoC
  •  Establish DevOps (such as change control mechanism, documentation wiki, and task manager using Trello) for this game project

Evaluation 2 (Aug 31, 2023):

  •  Create first working draft of the game in selected game engine (Unity)
  •  Create backend connectors for identity and payment services (semi functional mode)
  •  Deliver alpha version of mini-game for unit testing

Evaluation 3 (Oct 20, 2023):

  •  Deliver beta version of mini-game for peer testing
  •  Connect front-end (game) to the back-end APIs for identity & payments
  •  Delver initial draft of research paper documenting current practices for identity & payments

Evaluation 4 (Nov 30, 2023):

  •  Deliver final version of mini-game for peer testing
  •  Deliver final version of research paper 





Project planning & design

June 5 - June 11, 2023

Interview with mentee and high level project discussion


June 14

Onboarding/orientation session


June 19 - July 2

Create project plan & timelines based on review of project requirementsCompleted

July 3 - July 16

Review game engine options based on problem statement & scope/time. 

Execution Phase

July 17 - July 30 

Bootstrap game using chosen game engine & review backend APIs to be used. Draft research paper outline

July 31 - Aug 13Implement game level one with basis assets. Finalize games and platforms to be studied for research paperNot started
Aug 14 - Aug 27Develop NPC (non-playable-characters) in game to mimic other persons/players. Deliver alpha version.Not started
Aug 28 - Sep 24Implement game play mechanism to demonstrate identity of avatar (looks, voice and knowledge)Not started
Sep 25 - Oct 20Work on beta version of game with review from alpha versionNot started
Closing Phase

Oct 23 - Nov 05

Submit game for initial beta review, implement feedback & code changes

Not started
Nov 6 - Nov 19Implement final adjustments and review feedbackNot started
Nov 20 - Nov 30Wrap up PoC game and research paper. Present to community after Nov 30Not started