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这种横道标识作用类似于国内的"黄闪"信号灯。 行人可以在按地面指示方向观察道路安全后,小心快速通过。 如果有车正在驶近,行人需等待。

Public transportation

Hong Kong has an excellent public transport system that is considered one of the best in the world. Depending on where you are going, you have a choice of MTR (subway), trains, buses, trams, ferries and taxis. These clean and efficient options cover extensive areas of Hong Kong and have signs and announcements in both English and Chinese. See more details on transport here.


路面标识上,如果车道靠近人行道的一侧被双黄实线标出,则表示此路段禁止停车。 因此在这些路段挥手寻找出租车,师傅会直接无视。


Approx. Fare:HK $85

Bus 巴士 to Cyberport

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Mini Bus小巴


近年有些翻新后的小巴在每个座位附近提供了一个下车按钮。 按钟后,司机默认会在下一个站停车,而不需要乘客扬声,带来一些方便。

Minibus to/from Cyberport




Kennedy Town MTR Station (Green minibus stop near Exit A) ↔ Cyberport ↔ Aberdeen (Wu Nam Street)


Kennedy Town MTR Station (Green minibus stop near Exit A) ↔ Cyberport ↔ Bel-Air on the Peak


Causeway Bay (Jaffe Road, near Exit D1 of Causeway Bay MTR Station) ↔ Cyberport


Quarry Bay (Shipyard Lane) ↔ Cyberport


Causeway Bay (Lockhart Road, behind Sogo Plaza) ↔ Cyberport



Cash is the most common form of payment anywhere in the world and Hong Kong is no exception. Any business in Hong Kong needs to accept cash as an absolute minimum. The currency in Hong Kong is the Hong Kong dollar (HK$) which is pegged to the US dollar at a rate of HK$7.80 = US$1.

Credit Card
Like most countries Hong Kong has their own credit card companies. Many businesses also accept the most popular worldwide options for credit cards including Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Many customers also have credit cards so it helps out both your customers and your business to enable them to use them with you.
There are also new payment methods that continue to be introduced and evolve. Hong Kong is in the middle of adapting brand new payment methods including Apple Pay, Google Pay, MasterCard contactless (formerly known as MasterCard Paypass), Visa payWave and Samsung Pay. Adopt these technologies early to get your foot in the door and to ensure you aren’t left behind.




The official languages of Hong Kong are Chinese and English
From Hong Kong’s establishment as a colonial port, through its period as a manufacturing hub, and up until its current role as an international financial centre, the city’s population has always looked outwards. As a result, English is widely spoken. Today, it is the language of preference in the government, business and tourism sectors. All official signs and public transport announcements, as well as most menus, are bilingual. As a visitor, you can expect to encounter minimal problems communicating in English as most taxi drivers, salespeople, tourism industry employees and police have reached competent levels of the language. In fact, many locals even pepper their Chinese speech with English words and phrases

To learn more about Hong Kong