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TitleAID:Tech builds real world Blockchain applications using HLF, with this internship you'll have the opportunity to work on scaling real world deployments build on our award winning Transparency Engine platform

titlePending TSC Review




Company background: AID:Tech's Transparency Engine and TraceDonate products are now being used by some of the world's most impactful organisations. We've brought transparency to the delivery of aid, traceability to donations and channeled remittances towards socially responsible services. Our platform is now positioned for growth and scaling to handle high volumes of users.

Additional Information

Aside from being a socially impactful organisation, our team comprises members of strong start-up pedigree, including Techstars and Entrepreneur First alumni. We also pride ourselves on being highly selective in who we take in by performing agile but thorough QA on our future colleagues and interns.

Technically, our team has contributed to multiple Linux Foundation projects, including Hyperledger Composer, the Fabric CA, Helm (including Charts for deploying Hyperledger Fabric and Composer) and have even open-sourced a library for deploying Hyperledger Fabric on Kuberntes, Nephos.

Furthermore, we have been active in helping educate the community, by releasing:

Widget Connector

Learning Objectives

Expected Outcome

Relation to Hyperledger 

Hyperledger Fabric, Composer, Chaincode

Education Level

Undergraduate Level


Future plans

Preferred Hours and Length of Internship

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info