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What is a Hyperledger Indy Bootcamp?

A Bootcamp is where we help get community members up to speed on how to contribute.  Most of the participants are fairly new and we understand that contributing to your first project can be a be daunting. This process takes the fear out of the process.  For existing contributors and maintainer, this is the ideal place to recruit more help for your project or group.BootcampBC is a place to learn about the Hyperledger Indy open source project,  a distributed public ledger, purpose-built for decentralized secure and privacy respecting peer to peer data exchange (including personal identity).  We look at Indy from both a business and technical perspective, targeting those that want to contribute to or make use of the open source solutions we are building. Hyperledger Indy is built on new technologies and our community is collaborating in new ways on the project that can make it daunting to those new to these challenges. This bootcamp is our way to take the fear out of what Indy is and how it can be used. 

Who should attend and why?

Anyone that wants to learn about blockchain-based Identity solutions in general, and Hyperledger Indy in particular.  What business problems are solved with Indy, what is the underlying technology and how can you either contribute to Indy itself or build new solutions on top of Indy.  This includes: tech companies, developers, designers, writers, organizers, artists, and of course Project managers. Anyone that needs contributions.  There isn't a better place to recruit and get to know new participants.  Don't limit yourself to thinking the only contributions you need at first are code!  Most contributors start out by fixing documentation and creating or flushing our bug reports.  Then they often move to fixing small bugs before making larger contributions.  Also an OSS community doesn't thrive if it isn't diverse.  You need writers, designers, and project managers etc.  Include them in your plans.

What you will learn

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the Linux Foundation's open source Hyperledger Indy project, a distributed public ledger, purpose-built for decentralized secure and privacy respecting peer to peer data exchange (including personal identity). Indy supports exciting new standards track technologies such as decentralized identifiers (DIDs), verifiable credentials (VCs) and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs).  Once introduced to the concepts of self-sovereign identity and the use of DIDs, VCs and ZKPs, the participants will gain hands experience by building their own Hyperledger Indy agent to verify and issue VCs based on the work of the Government of British Columbia’s Verifiable Organization Network. This is the technology behind the recently announced OrgBook BC service.

Presenters will include core maintainers of the Hyperledger Indy and VON open source projects, and representatives of the Sovrin Foundation. The Sovrin Foundation is a non-profit that provides the legal, business and technical framework for the Sovrin Network, a global, public instance of Hyperledger Indy whose nodes are run by a group of (currently) over 40 organizations around the world. The Sovrin Network is intended to provide a DNS-like backbone of identity for the Internet, enabling a new era in online privacy and security.

How much does it cost? 

$49 for individuals

$25 for students

Participants must arrange their own hotels and any additional travel.

Register Now!






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