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  • Status of indy-node CI/CD and the Ubuntu upgrade
  • did:indy PRs
  • Discussion Topic: did:indy resolution of non-DIDs – schema, etc.

Recording of Call: 

Chat from Call:

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Welcome and Introductions


Related Calls and Announcements

  • Upcoming Indicio course on Indy Node development - this Thursday
    • URGENT: Finding "good first issues" on the Indy Node and Indy Plenum repos - please take a look!!
  • AnonCreds standardization work has begun. Next meeting is by invite and then we'll have a charter and next steps.

Release Status and Work Updates

Meeting Topics

  • Update on CI/CD Update and Ubuntu Upgrade: Status Document
    • Indy-Plenum Status: 
      • Done, 16.04, 20.04, Jenkins and GHA
    • Indy-Node Status:
      • Done, 16.04, 20.04, Jenkins and GHA
      • One 20.04 running in the IDUnion network of 16.04 nodes
      • Preparing and executing the automated release process.
    • indy-test-automation Status:
      • Circular dependency broken.
    • Developer tools
      • indy-node-container (move to Hyperledger in progress) and GitPod tools available (node and plenum)
      • On plenum – error with building the dev containers about Indy SDK version – need to get the metadata version correct (
    • Indy-SDK build progress
      • Unblocked – builds are going and PRs are being reviewed (and rebasing PRs).
  • "did:indy" DID Method
    • Pull Requests:
      • New method for self-certifying NYMs - #27 - updated per discussion last meeting
        • Change to use SHA-256, but use the full public key as input
      • Proposal - change the separator for the sub-network from ":" to "." - #31 
      • Fix Typos - #24
      • Newly Merged: Add the new Indy DID method to the W3C registry: - #393
    • Discussion topic - referencing non-DIDs via DID Indy and other DID Methods
      • Issue raised to adjust the method: #32
        • Simple Issue: Change format from <did>/<object-type>/<object-type-identifier>, to <did>/anoncreds/v1/<object-type>/<object-type-identifier>
      • Related issues (raised in comment):
        • Is this the best approach from a DID Resolution perspective?
        • What object would we expect to get back from such a DID resolution? Presumably an object of the desired type, but should it be a DIDDoc with the object embedded?
          • Easy for did:indy, but for the broader use of AnonCreds, will this work with other DID Methods?
        • Would other common DID Methods be able to support this? E.g. What other DID Methods are important for AnonCreds and could they support this approach?
    • Referencing (or not) the network of the DID in NYMs and DIDDocContent on the ledger - Issue #33
    • Verification of the self-certification of a DID - Issue #23
    • Restricting the <namespace> part of the DID to lower case #30
    • Issue: If Indy SDK is not updated, how do we run the Indy Node/Plenum tests?
      • Ideas are brewing on this...

Future Calls

  • Ideas for "Good First Task" for the Indicio class coming up in two weeks
  • Issues that could impact indy-node on 20.04
    • indy-sdk: needs an upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1 to properly support Ubuntu 18.04/20.04.  For indy-node, just using indy-sdk as is.
    • Multiple libsodium versions could impact consensus – intermittent issue on a mixed network.
  • Plans for a new Indy-SDK release?
  • Indy Contributor Campaign
    • Focus: Indy Generation Next
      • Audience: Organizations building Indy Instances, applications built on Indy
        • Not going for casual, independent developers, more on organizations that can assign developers to work on the project for a set chunk of time (e.g one month)
      • Key Features:
        • Indy network of networks support
        • Indy support for W3C DID Standard 1.0
      • Tasks:
        • Update NYM to support new "diddoc_content" data element
        • Indy-sdk, indy-vdr support for new "diddoc_content" data element
        • Indy DID Resolver support for new "diddoc_content"
        • indy-sdk, indy-vdr support for multiple ledgers
        • Support for new ledger object identifiers
        • Handling cred_defs that references schema on other ledgers
        • Possible: support for NYM "keri_keystate" data element, indy-sdk/indy-vdr support and DID resolver support
        • Other?
      • Foundational Work:
        • did:indy spec. as a spec.
        • Tasks in GitHub Issues - tagged for campaign
        • Getting started with developing indy-plenum and indy-node
      • Campaign work
        • Landing page
        • Video: Intro to Indy Generation Next
        • Meetup channels
  • Status of Indy-SDK
    • Statement on the future of the Indy SDK: PR 2329
    • Plans for future of Indy CLI (move to Indy VDR?)
    • Indy SDK in test for Indy Node (move to Indy VDR?)
    • Status of GitHub Actions for the Indy-SDK
  • Indy bugs
    • Using GitHub tags "Good First Issue" and "Help Wanted" 
    • Node 1490: problems with large catch-up
    • Plenum 1506: view change message consensus calculation error
  • Hyperledger campaign to recruit additional developers.

Action items