Versions Compared


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Welcome / Introductions



  • RFC 496 - Transition to OOB and DID Exchange
    • Connect.Me - Evernym
    • Bifold/AFJ - James Ebert and the Awesome Canadians
    • ATB Proof (AFJ) - Alberta
    • Trinsic / eSatus / Lissi / IDRamp - .Net Framework
    • Findy Wallet
    • iGrant Sweden
    • Northern Block Orbit
    • DIT -
    • Mattr
    • Liquid Avatar
    • SecureKey/TrustBloc/AFG (already on OOB and DID Exchange)
    • Process
      • Seek Status (where is your code now)
      • Is the Proposed Date Reasonable?
      • Step 1 Date Dec 31st 2021
      • Stephen Curran will chase this proposal.
        • Contact each wallet author
        • Post notifications to the Aries Community - email and list
        • Update the RFC with: Status and new date.
        • Request updates to the implementation table in the RFC
  • RFC 700 - sending out-of-band as query parameters and enable redirect back.
  • How are we really going to do deep-links?
    • Two methods - custom scheme (didcomm://) or associated domains 
      • custom scheme
        • works well for Android.
        • iOS with two apps on the same scheme, message reception is undefined. No end user choice or config.
        • no associated app, this fails out.
      • associated domains
        • register URL with app (
        • do something based on navigated URL
        • tight coupling
      • community managed domain
        • nascar selection
        • auto-redirect to custom scheme, detect failure.
        • can also redisplay QR code.
        • redirect from within iframe
        • also works with web wallets/agents (in association with RFC 700)
    • Writeup of proposed process James / Clecio / Sam
      • and issue that links to it.
    • James will do science on the proposed process.
  • HTTP Mobile exemptions
    • DIDComm allows HTTP endpoints
    • Mobile platforms require an exemption to call http links instead of https
    • How do we resolve this for mediators and mobile apps?
    • jason volunteered for a PR with a SHOULD for HTTPS.

Action items

Call Recording
