Versions Compared


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  •  Helmcharts required to set-up Clique consensus with Besu
  •  Ansible scripts to automate the generation of Helm value files.
  •  Documentation on how to use BAF for deploying HL Besu with Clique consensus.
  •  Documented, upgrade of Besu to latest stable on BAF.


Eval 1:

  •  Local setup of all tools, Docker, Git, Minikube, Ansible.
  •  Use existing BAF code to deploy Besu with IBFT consensus on local network.

Eval 2:

  •  Deploy Besu with Clique consensus on local network manually.
  •  Manual steps for Besu with Clique documented.


(TBD)Time to complete remaining details and documentation pending
June 1 - June 14Mentee intro with the mentor. Introduction to the concepts of BAF.Done
June 15 - June 28

Set-up a small Besu network using local/AWS Kubernetes network using BAF.

Setup local environment for Development

June 29 - July 12

Setup a Besu network with clique consensus manually/locally using Besu documentation.


July 13 - July 26

Create helmcharts that can be used to deploy Besu node with clique consensus

July 27 - Aug 9

(TBD)Complete tests and documentation of the Rust server impl.

Eval on July 10: Provide reports for first quarter to the program organisers.


Eval completedCompleted

July 13 - July 26(TBD)(TBD)Work on implementing diagnostics. Prepare the backend to process incoming code.

Setup GKE environment for Development (added because local minikube was not feasible due to memory issues)

July 27 - August Aug 9(TBD)(TBD)Work on diagnostics, fixing Range issues and fixing minor bugs.

Complete local Besu network with clique consensus.



August 10 - August 16(TBD)(TBD)Buffer period to complete the remaining work and co-op with difficulties during implementation.Pending23

Set-up a small Besu network using local/GKE Kubernetes network using BAF

August 17 - August 23(TBD)

(TBD)Complete tests and documentation of the diagnostics implementation.

Eval on August 2120: Provide reports for the second first quarter to the program organisers.Pending

In Progress

Eval pending

August 24 - Sept 6(TBD)Document changes needed to implement Clique consensus(TBD)Work on the hover feature. List out all possible grammar definitions and start implementing.Pending
Sept 7 - Sept 20(TBD)Make the changes in Ansible and Helm charts(TBD)Follow up on the work.Pending
Sept 21 - 27(TBD)

(TBD)Finished the basics of hover implementation. Added hover for variable definition and types.

PendingOct 4

Test the scripts and make additional changes in Ansible and Helm charts

Sept 28 - Oct 4(TBD)

(TBD)Complete tests and documentation of the implementation.

Eval on Oct 2October 1: Provide reports for third second quarter to the program organisers.


Eval pendingPending

Oct 5 - Oct 18(TBD)

(TBD)Week1: Work on adding support for Function + Return-type + Function params hover.

Week2: Work on adding support for Emit token in hover.

Buffer to complete the Besu network deployment using Clique.

Oct 19 - Nov 1(TBD)

Update the documentation

(TBD)Week1: Work on adding support for struct entries in hover.

Week2: Buffer period to follow up on the work.

Nov 2 - Nov 8(TBD) (TBD)Used this week to work on hover implementation.PendingNov 9 - Nov 13(TBD) 12

Prepare final presentation.

Final Eval on November 12: Provide reports for completion.





I am following the “Design-Code-Test-Document​” methodology.
