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Whitepaper Task force

Hi Everyone

Great conversation today! A few notes:

- Charter Update: Please continue to add your thoughts/edits. We'll hand off to the Governance Board for further review in the upcoming week so they may reconcile these edits.

- Intro Whitepaper: Please edit this document, focusing on the project sections (pages 23-32)

- Greenhouse Image: Arun is working with David to embed a version of the "card view" from the new project landscape on the main page in the wiki as well as inputting PRs to CNCF for a few items that would make the cards more of a comprehensive entry point for developers.

Marketing is also working on some further enhancements to the 'Use' dropdown menu item on the www site, to make it a little easier for those new to Hyperledger to find/filter projects by industry/category.
- Action item: Please add help us populate this spreadsheet with information you'd like to see included. I'll especially need help to show which projects are commonly used in conjunction with one another (columns F, G, H)

Arun also has a wireframe of a 'stack' image that may be a better way to display the project logos. Once we have the spreadsheet (above) finalized, we can take a crack at finishing the wireframe layout and will get out to the Task force for review.

Thanks again for all of your work on these items. Its been great to hear your input and finalize some of these items.

have a great weekend


HL Whitepaper & Greenhouse update task force

Let's use these monthly meetings to collaborate on next steps for the Hyperledger Whitepaper and Greenhouse update- meeting 10:00am EST, every second Friday, monthly

Global Forum

1.  "The Hyperledger Map" for next HL GF 2021. A panel to show how our page can become an entry point to travel our inner universe of Hyperledger.

Develop Questions and SlidesAll 5/17
  1. The Giving Chain


2. Map similar resources at the outer universe, and to forge alliances with communities of similar interests Global Scouting of DLT / Blockchain Educational Opportunities 

BC Employ MeetupDenver



Job Fair

Resource LibraryKEY Terms

Test Starter Kit

Update Use CasesRe-organize Index

Add Current

Update Sig and WG pagesSigs


Update project PagesAll
