Versions Compared


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  • Supply chain ID - a unique identifier which identifies a particular product item, which could in reality be a single physical item or a lot or batch, through the supply chain.  This could be used by a supply chain system to find the actual item.
  • Step ID - automated unique identifier for each step.  A supply chain will have many steps each with the same supply chain ID and a unique step ID.

  • Quantity of item at origin
  • Type of activity - what happened at this step of the supply chain.  Was something shipped?  By air, sea, rail, or truck?  Was a product compressed, flash frozen, stored in a warehouse?
  • Activity party - Information about who performed the activity, which would be used to find the right emissions factors.
  • Amount of activity - how far was the item shipped?  How long was it stored?
  • Previous and next node - link to the previous and next steps for this item by their step ID.  Use ORIGIN for previous step if the current step is the origin of the supply chain and FINAL for next step if the current step is the final or destination of the supply chain.
  • Emissions - calculated emissions of this step based on the type of activity, activity party, and amount of activity.  This will require standard emissions factors similar to the ones used in the Utility Emissions Channel Project, but for all the different types of steps in the supply chain.  One source could be GHG Protocol's new calculator.

In addition we will need for the supply chain itself: 
