Versions Compared


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 All 3 types of tokens are fungible.  The audited emissions audit tokens are "retired" (see below) as soon as they're issued from an auditor to a company or consumer.  The offsets and REC's could be traded


  • Renewable Energy Certificate:
    • Issuer ID = Generator of REC
    • Recipient ID = Buyer of REC
    • Asset Type = REC
    • Quantity = 1
    • UOM = MWH
    • From/thru date time stamp = do we need this for REC's?
    • Metadata = Region and Time of energy enerated
    • Manifest = URL linking to the registration for the REC purchased
  • Carbon emissions offest:
    • Issuer ID = Certifier or Issuer
    • Recipient ID = Buyer
    • Asset Type = Emissions Offset
    • Quantity = amount
    • UOM = MtCO2e
    • From/thru date time stamp = do we need this for emissions offset?
    • Metadata = type of project, location, etc.
    • Manifest = URL linking to the registration of the emissions offset
  • Audited Emissions Audit:
    • Issuer ID = auditor
    • Recipient ID = organization or entity
    • Asset Type = CO2 emissions
    • Quantity = amount of emissions
    • UOM = MtCO2e
    • Metadata =
    • From/thru date time stamp = time period of the net emissions
    • Manifest = links to access all the emissions tokens/assets used to prepare this net emissions


This network would be connected with Fabric channels such as the utility emissions channel through the auditors.  The utility emissions channel is operated by an auditor on behalf of its customers.  The auditor would also be on this network and would issue audited emissions audit tokens to its customers' wallets.  The customers would then transact in emissions and offsets on this network using their wallets. 
