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  • Discuss Securitization
  • Discuss HGF -
  • Discuss eThaler project-
  • Introduce custody project - not done

Discussion items

10 mHGF

Vipin Bharathan

Global Forum: Over ​500 attendees with 80+ speaker sessions and we ​captured most of it on video- from the keynotes to the business and technical tracks​ ​so everyone can experience the fantastic content created by our community.​​ If ​you missed this year's Global Forum or even if you were there, but missed some of the sessions, you can​ now​ watch ​all of the videos ​by browsing the SCHED agenda app (includes links to video and the decks if uploaded) or just browse the YouTube Global Forum 2020 video channel.

Projects & News
10 meThalerSlides
15 mProjectsCMSIG-Projects
10 mCustody workshopProposal



Hyperledger Global Forum - many sessions directly or indirectly addressed Capital Markets. Even though not apparent because people don't think of them as Capital Market activities. For example, Climate Action SIG, 100% of their proposals are focused solely on tokenization to enforce good behavior. You pay if you emit carbon - owe carbon credits. If you're doing activities that are good (lessening emissions) - get carbon credits.

Multiple panels, supply chain, trade finance, every opportunity was presented as a solution that involved some sort of capital markets, ie addressing Trade Finance gaps was through a legal entity identifier for small business and frictionless identification of small businesses. Hence, bringing them into the fold of capital markets.

Another theme foremost was governance. Governance, is an important component in capital markets. When there is good government, risk goes down in instruments. 

All of the themes had some relationship to capital markets. 

Mani - token standard, code as base, started extending. Basic transfer mechanism testing. Open Zeppelin... testing basic functions. 

Action items
