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Lab NameDescriptionCreatedPRs mergedLast Commit
Blockchain Automation Framework
An automation framework for rapidly and consistently deploying production-ready DLT platforms16-OCT-20194421-NOV-2019
Blockchain Integration FrameworkA new approach to the blockchain interoperability problem21-OCT-201911

Patient ConsentUse Case Patient Data in Clinical Trials Automation with focus of Patient Consent07-OCT-2019207-NOV-2019
Hyperledger Fabric Block Archiving
Reduce the total amount of storage space required for an organisation to operate a Hyperledger Fabric network by archiving block data into repository.09-OCT-2019512-NOV-2019
GardenerAn open source Blockchain Oracle implementation.07-OCT-2019

Byzantine ConfigHyperledger Fabric Network Configuration Manager allowing configuration blocks to be created to add Organizations, and update network configuration properties.01-MAY-2019521-OCT-2019
Hyperledger Fabric Consortium ManagementChaincode based application to manage Fabric Consortium memberships30-JUL-2019108-AUG-2019
Hyperledger Fabric Based Access ControlA Hyperledger Fabric Based Access Control system to mediate access control flow from centralized applications.12-JUN-20195

Inter Carrier Settlements
Telecom network operators worldwide open their networks to each other to enable their mutual customers to communicate across network boundaries.15-AUG-2019114-NOV-2019
Hyperledger Fabric WebAssembly chaincodeIntegrate WebAssembly in Hyperledger Fabric18-SEP-20191214-NOV-2019
Blockchain Analyzer
Create a tool for visualizing and analyzing Hyperledger Fabric ledgers 06-SEP-20192010-NOV-2019
Proof of Elapsed Time 2Proof of Elapsed Time 2 (PoET2) is an experimental new protocol for Consensus based on PoET28-AUG-2019028-AUG-2019
Hyperledger Fabric Lightweight ClientEnable lightweight (IoT) devices to act as a Lightweight (Hyperledger Fabric) clients07-AUG-2019007-AUG-2019

Existing Labs

Lab NameDescriptionCreatedTotal PRs mergedPRs merged (last report)Last Commit
SPartsThe Software Parts (SParts) lab delivers a Sawtooth-based ledger that provides both accountability and access to the open source components used in the construction of a software part. A software part is any software component (e.g., library, application, container or an entire operating system runtime) that is comprised of between 0% and 100% open source.Mar 12, 2018474706-May-2018
fabric-chrome-extensionThis is a Fabric Chrome extension paired with a Javascript API. Users should be able to use the Chrome Extension to authenticate to a Fabric network.Jun 7, 2018141429-Aug-2018
milk-donorThis lab hold the code base for a blockchain build focused on solving market problems identified in the donor milk ecosystem.Aug 3, 20183301-Oct-2018
solidity2chaincodeThis tool converts Solidity contract into Javascript chaincode through source-to-source translation for running them onto Hyperledger Fabric.Nov 12, 20184406-Dec-2018
fabric-multi-channel-network-samplesThis lab provides samples for multi channel network using Hyperledger Fabric.Nov 26, 20183319-Dec-2018
fabric-vms-provisionThis entry will provide an example on how to provision, using Ansible, Hyperledger Fabric native binaries on multiple Softlayer vms. A build your second network example.Oct 12, 20184404-Jan-2019
payments-performance-test-harnessa test harness designed to measure the performance of payments between peers on a blockchain network.2018-Dec-042205-Jan-2019
private-transaction-familiesprovides a mechanism for privacy over Hyperledger Sawtooth by enforcing a policy of access control to the ledger.2019-Jan-26201918-Jul-2019
cordentityThe Cordentity app integrates Hyperledger Indy capabilities into the opensource Corda platform.Nov 27, 2018191505-Aug-2019
umbraThis lab is to make running Hyperledger distributed ledgers under the Shadow simulator possible. It began as a research internship during the summer of 2018 and seeks to provide a tool for doing research on consensus algorithms, smart contracts, scaling and other blockchain related research topics.Nov 1, 20184328-Aug-2019
convectorConvector is a Model/Controller fullstack JavaScript framework to improve and speed up the development experience of clean, scalable and robust Smart Contract Systems.2019-Feb-08484003-Sep-2019
nephosPython library and Helm charts for deployment of Hyperledger Fabric to Kubernetes.2019-Feb-25241604-Oct-2019
fabric-private-chaincodeThis lab enables Secure Chaincode Execution using Intel SGX for Hyperledger Fabric.Aug 27, 2018684308-Oct-2019
minbftImplementation of MinBFT consensus protocol.Jul 31, 2018453415-Oct-2019
byzantine-configGUI based executable application that allows Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) configuration blocks to be viewed and updated transactions created for channel configuration, adding new organizations, and generating crypto material.2019-Feb-255421-Oct-2019
sawtooth-healthcarea blockchain application built on Hyperledger Sawtooth, allowing clinics to keep history regarding patients health and claims on the blockchain2019-Jan-0322322-Oct-2019
private-data-objectsThe Private Data Objects lab provides technology for confidentiality-preserving, off-chain smart contracts.Mar 2, 201815014829-Oct-2019
hyperledger-fabric-based-access-controlA Hyperledger Fabric Based Access Control system to mediate access control flow from centralized applications.2019-Jun-085119-Nov-2019
hyperledger-community-management-toolsTools used to manage and evaluate the Hyperledger Community.Sep 19, 2018322220-Nov-2019
solangA Solidity to WASM compiler written in rust2019-Jan-2913420-Nov-2019
fabric-docs-cnA lab to translate the Fabric documentation to ChineseAug 3, 201820014021-Nov-2019
