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Lab NameDescriptionCreatedPRs mergedLast Commit
Blockchain Automation Framework
An automation framework for rapidly and consistently deploying production-ready DLT platforms16-OCT-20194421-NOV-2019
Blockchain Integration FrameworkA new approach to the blockchain interoperability problem21-OCT-201911

Patient ConsentUse Case Patient Data in Clinical Trials Automation with focus of Patient Consent07-OCT-2019207-NOV-2019
Hyperledger Fabric Block Archiving
Reduce the total amount of storage space required for an organisation to operate a Hyperledger Fabric network by archiving block data into repository.09-OCT-2019512-NOV-2019
GardenerAn open source Blockchain Oracle implementation.07-OCT-2019

Byzantine ConfigHyperledger Fabric Network Configuration Manager allowing configuration blocks to be created to add Organizations, and update network configuration properties.

Existing Labs

Lab NameDescriptionCreatedTotal PRs mergedPRs merged (last report)Last Commit
SPartsThe Software Parts (SParts) lab delivers a Sawtooth-based ledger that provides both accountability and access to the open source components used in the construction of a software part. A software part is any software component (e.g., library, application, container or an entire operating system runtime) that is comprised of between 0% and 100% open source.Mar 12, 2018474706-May-2018
fabric-chrome-extensionThis is a Fabric Chrome extension paired with a Javascript API. Users should be able to use the Chrome Extension to authenticate to a Fabric network.Jun 7, 2018141429-Aug-2018
milk-donorThis lab hold the code base for a blockchain build focused on solving market problems identified in the donor milk ecosystem.Aug 3, 20183301-Oct-2018
solidity2chaincodeThis tool converts Solidity contract into Javascript chaincode through source-to-source translation for running them onto Hyperledger Fabric.Nov 12, 20184406-Dec-2018
fabric-multi-channel-network-samplesThis lab provides samples for multi channel network using Hyperledger Fabric.Nov 26, 20183319-Dec-2018
fabric-vms-provisionThis entry will provide an example on how to provision, using Ansible, Hyperledger Fabric native binaries on multiple Softlayer vms. A build your second network example.Oct 12, 20184404-Jan-2019
payments-performance-test-harnessa test harness designed to measure the performance of payments between peers on a blockchain network.2018-Dec-042205-Jan-2019
private-transaction-familiesprovides a mechanism for privacy over Hyperledger Sawtooth by enforcing a policy of access control to the ledger.2019-Jan-26201918-Jul-2019
cordentityThe Cordentity app integrates Hyperledger Indy capabilities into the opensource Corda platform.Nov 27, 2018191505-Aug-2019
umbraThis lab is to make running Hyperledger distributed ledgers under the Shadow simulator possible. It began as a research internship during the summer of 2018 and seeks to provide a tool for doing research on consensus algorithms, smart contracts, scaling and other blockchain related research topics.Nov 1, 20184328-Aug-2019
convectorConvector is a Model/Controller fullstack JavaScript framework to improve and speed up the development experience of clean, scalable and robust Smart Contract Systems.2019-Feb-08484003-Sep-2019
nephosPython library and Helm charts for deployment of Hyperledger Fabric to Kubernetes.2019-Feb-25241604-Oct-2019
fabric-private-chaincodeThis lab enables Secure Chaincode Execution using Intel SGX for Hyperledger Fabric.Aug 27, 2018684308-Oct-2019
minbftImplementation of MinBFT consensus protocol.Jul 31, 2018453415-Oct-2019
byzantine-configGUI based executable application that allows Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) configuration blocks to be viewed and updated transactions created for channel configuration, adding new organizations, and generating crypto material.2019-Feb-255421-Oct-2019
sawtooth-healthcarea blockchain application built on Hyperledger Sawtooth, allowing clinics to keep history regarding patients health and claims on the blockchain2019-Jan-0322322-Oct-2019
private-data-objectsThe Private Data Objects lab provides technology for confidentiality-preserving, off-chain smart contracts.Mar 2, 201815014829-Oct-2019
hyperledger-fabric-based-access-controlA Hyperledger Fabric Based Access Control system to mediate access control flow from centralized applications.2019-Jun-085119-Nov-2019
hyperledger-community-management-toolsTools used to manage and evaluate the Hyperledger Community.Sep 19, 2018322220-Nov-2019
solangA Solidity to WASM compiler written in rust2019-Jan-2913420-Nov-2019
fabric-docs-cnA lab to translate the Fabric documentation to ChineseAug 3, 201820014021-Nov-2019
